From their "What's New" page
The syrup, Feineis said, creates osmotic pressure that pulls water through a proprietary membrane. The syrup is necessary for the forward osmosis system. The membrane has a pore size of 3 to 5 angstroms, 100 times smaller than the smallest pathogens, he said.
It takes about five hours to produce half a liter (about a pint) of liquid at a seawater temperature of 60 degrees, four hours at 86 degrees. Motion could speed up the process some. One syrup charge is required for each half-liter of liquid produced from seawater.
So at most, you can produce 2.5 liters of water from a basic kit. You can purchase syrup for additional 2.5 liters at $38 a shot.
I can see this being used for small life rafts, but for larger sized rafts, a reverse osmosis pump is going to give you higher, essentially unlimited, output so you'll have more water for less dollars per liter.
It's still a pretty interesting product. Looks like that company sells a variety of water filter products.
Tom A.