Hi BillyM,
The url to Friendship Industries is www.friendship-industries.com
They are a firm who put together packages and kits for various industries. The kits are in their online pdf catalogue. As to the other kits I need to get to my notes and books for precise references as i have just moved to New Zealand from Australia. I am ex military and always kept my eyes open for survival doctrine. I debriefed everybody that would talk informally. The first SAS kit is published and was used by 22 and 21 and 23 Regiments from the 60s into the 70s. It is photographed in a Leroy Thompson and Ken Mc Swan book on the SAS.
The kit is basic and has no consumerables in it as per then Commonwealth doctrine. It consists of a simple dark vinyl pouch with tape ties,magnifying glass, larger brass button compass, steel shirt pocket size heliograph, half heavy duty hacksaw blade,wire saw,water sacs(vinyl bags) MOD Nato approved fishing kit,like the BCB one and a brass wire snare. All wrapped in brown vapour inhibited paper. I guess they supplemented it with the matchless fire kit ( similar to the BCB) water sterilising tablets, milbank filter bag, insect repellant and stolen aluminium pocket sized med kits ripped of RAF aircraft. The pocket NZSAS medical kit of the period was a simple pill tube roll in canvas. i worked with them in the 1970s but they were equipped in many ways for the 1950s and 1960s.
As to the other kits one was put together by a trooper of SASR in the 1970s and one is a dixie kit (mess tin) kit put together by a 22 SAS man of the same period. I will check my notes on these. The other lists are what troopers carried as emergency packs for when they broke contact with the enemy, often shrugging off their web gear and heading to their emergency RV. Some were given to me and one has been published in Horners Phantoms of the Jungle History of the Australian SAS.
More to follow