Hey James
I have a question thats bugging me, you copied and pasted my post then the first words out of your mouth were.

"This discussion is getting close to the borderlines of acceptable content for the board(If I remember the rules correctly)"

Did I say something wrong, seems to me the only thing I could have said was.

"Playing dead, isn't that supposed to work on Bear's ? Not teenagers...LOL"

I was only following suit like.

Back in the day, six words: "Wait 'til your mother gets home!"
I'd run...
Go for their iPods.
Playing dead is what opossums do; they tend to get eaten.
or crying and peeing in your pants...
He just offers to kiss one of 'em.

I mean the list could go on and on, this is the second time someone has used me as an example. Like I offended them.

I mean if I'm out of line here please tell me, I'm not as smart as the majority of you so maybe I need educated in the proper use of forum posting, I'm getting to the point where I'm not going to be part of your little group.

Maybe I'm reading this all wrong, if thats the case I'm sorry for this post.

Shadow out !!!
Shadow out !!!

Prepare Or Not To Prepare That Is The Question. The Answer, You Better !!!