How would you defend yourself against a swarming attack by bunch of teenagers? Lets assume you don't have a gun.
Is there a strategy of taking down the most assailants efficiently?
OK, contrary to some of the advice given:
Attack into them. You have, for all intents and purposes, been ambushed. The only way out of an ambush is an immediate attack into it.
Be very clear about one thing: You have to kill or cripple as many of them as it takes to break them. DO NOT attempt to run away. If you run away, they will run you down. They will hammer you into the floor and they will kick you either spastic or to death.
If they have any one who looks like a leader, snuff him.
If you have anything that can be used as a weapon, use it. Forget about negotiation. It needs two to negotiate and they are not "negotiable" as it were.
You are going to be very scared. Accept it. Use it. Focus it. Being scared is normal. It causes your body to generate a massive adrenaline surge. Your strength increases. You reflexes accelerate. You ability to absorbe punishment increases.
You are going to get hammered. Either by them or by the Court later. Quite possibly by both. The chances are very good that you will, through no fault of your own, be imprisoned for a very long time or (if where you live has a Death Penalty) executed.
That being the case, exact as high a price as possible.
If all else failes: Do your uttermost to ensure that you have a proper escort across the Styx.