Throw your wallet and RUN!

Playing dead is what opossums do; they tend to get eaten.

If you are prevented from running, you fight for your life. And that means slamming kneecaps and folding them inward, fists slammed into throats or family jewels as hard as you can, eye-gouging, bending fingers backwards all the way, and anything else you can do, and you try to make it permanent. The best swarmer is a crippled or blinded swarmer.

Just keep in mind that swarming is an ATTACK. You play by their rules, not Marquis of Queensbury, and if there are girls involved, they get the same treatment.

Victims who refuse to be victims sometimes have a surprising effect on this kind of trash. They often DEPEND on your being a crying, begging, sniveling, cringing victim. That's the kind of victim they want.
