I guess I am going off of personal experience. In 1993, if I remember correctly, there was a 7.4 earthquake and the epicenter was 60 miles from my home.
I remember specifically that there was an announcement on the news that we were, if possible, to shut off gas and water valves until further , they said it was only a few hours, to minimize any possible leak issues.
So I am thinking of those past experiences. I am not sure if it is fortunately or unfortunately but I am really only subjected to one major natural disaster, Earthquakes. So I am not really worried about hurricanes, tornadoes, Tsunami, Locust, Frogs from the Sky, etc.
I have my (3) 5 gallon Justrite cans. So that is 15 gallons. The generator should have 15 gallons already in it. Then my wife and I have implemented a new rule, always fill the cars when they are down to half a tank. With that in mind, my car should have 10 with a half a tank, and the other 13.
So I should have a total of 53 gallons of fuel on hand for the generator at all times.
I guess I don't trust anything that will be under the ground when the ground is the thing I am most worried about

I really do appreciate all your help.
BTW I heard that the 15k and 17.5k don't actually put out that wattage. The most it will put out is 12k. Ummm....what happens to the rest of the wattage?