PCK2,<br><br>There is a fairly large volume of potassium permanganate discussion in old threads on this site. <br><br>I tend to be in agreement with BeachDoc on the medical use, of KMnO4, and do not believe it is a very good choice for water purification. These reasons along with the fact that it is a very strong oxidizer that may cause damage to eyes and other tissues if improperly handled make it an item that must be fully understood and evaluated before you carry it in your PSK.<br><br>I do carry it in my primary PSK, but have a fair understanding of its limitations and risks. You can read my reasons in
my old post on KMnO4 <br><br>I am now thinking that if I did not have any KMnO4 in my kit I would not try too hard to acquire it. The fire making reaction is fun, and impressive but it is really my absolute last choice for firemaking. I figure if I had my PSK there is no way that the only item left to support firemaking would be KMnO4.<br><br>I currently store my KMnO4 in a small polyethylene screw top vial that is water proof. I can dose small amounts of it using a sailmakers needle to dip into the vial. The sailmakers needle is triangular and the flat side works as a spatula. You should be able to whittle a small flat
dry stick to use also.