I chanced upon the very first Burning Man In San Francisco and attended the first in Nevada. SIGH, it's joined the rank ranks of Rennaissance Faire people/ Deadheads/ the Rainbow Tribe in another sub culture with all the inward looking charm of an ingrown toenail. It's to expensive, to crowded,to dirty, to full of drugs and predictably unattractive nekkid people who should keep their clothes on in consideration of sunburn and the aesthetics of desert form. I was in BORDERS today, buying a second CD of Pink Floyds DARK SIDE OF THE MOON which I've owned in LP,cassette, Reel to Reel and now on some computer file my nephew set up.This refugee from a Trekkie convention, or was she a goth? at the register ignored me briefly to finish talking about Burning Man to her coworker, how she had never gone but was going this year. She was ringing me up with one hand and adjusting the bone in her nose with the other and made Borderspeak asking " Is this for your grandkids?" I said no, and when you go take lots of water, stay out of the noonday sun and pray frequently to whatever it is you read up on restocking the religion shelves.KOYANNISQUATSI