A couple of years ago I gave out some PSKs to friends and family members as holiday gifts. They went over pretty well for the most part, and I got feedback from a few people that really liked them and wanted to know how to make a more complete kit.

I built the PSKs from the ground up so that the equipment would be of good quality. However, the price per kit soon became very expensive.

I was able to get a few deals on bulk orders and during sales at various stores, but I did a lot of shopping around. I built the kits over the course of a few months to do as much pricing as possible before actually purchasing items and that helped a little.

I think each kit ended up costing around $150.00 if I remember correctly.

In the end I figured that it would have saved me a good chunk of money and time if I had started out with something like the Ritter PSK and replaced and/or added equipment that I wanted to include.

Beyond all that, it was fun putting the kits together except when I was hand winding heavy duty thread and fishing line on plastic bobbins, and rewrapping duct tape around bic pen carcasses. If you have a variable speed drill you can take a lot of work out of the equation on those chores.

Regarding the kit you linked:
It looks to me as if you're really paying for the backpack because the list of included equipment is really vague and they only site things that you can pick up pretty cheaply. It also appears that the food and water is an extra expense. Not that I would buy pouched water over telling someone to keep water stored for emergencies anyway. I could be wrong though.

If you really like the Life Gear "Wings of Life" backpack, buying direct may save you $25.00. I don't know what the shipping policies are for both sites, though.
"Learn survival skills when your life doesn't depend on it."