Greeting's Gentlemen,

Please pardon my long has, let's say, been an "Up & Down" year for me. Some personal issues, and some ever present health issues.
But Alway's looking to Learn! During my absence, I have tried to continously "Upgrade" both my Survival Kit's, and my Car and Home Disaster kit's. But like right now, after just having the entire Meniscus removed from my right knee, It look's like I might be spending a little more time on the PC.
So Gentleme, I sincerely hope you all have been doing Well, and I will ask that you put up with my asking seemingly stupid question's from time to time. My Father alway's said the only Real, "Stupid Question", was the one you were too scared to ask!

So a first question for you.....does anyone know of a person(s), or organization, other than the Red Cross, that can teach FA and CPR, in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area? On a Medically Retired Vet's pension, there's just no way I can afford both class's, for both the wife and I, from the Red Cross!

My Thank's,

Harold "Krell" Rosenbaum