Oops I guess it was the max cut off or something. Heres the reast I hope.
Some people say that because of their frugal nature they use dryer lint rather than purchase cotton balls. This is a fine idea depending upon the cloths that contributes the lint. If they are cotton only you get good quality lint. However commonly many cloths are a cotton and polyester blend. Polyester is a plastic. This plastic does not catch sparks very well. Once it is burning it does burn hotter and longer than the cotton. A too high of percentage of polyester may make them unreliable for flint and steel starting. Even worse is if a large amount of the fibers come from wool. As we all know one of the properties of wool clothing that makes it such a great outdoor fabric is that it does not burn well or catch sparks. High wool content could make such tinder useless. The traditional tinder for primitive flint and steel is char cloth. This is in essence partially burned cotton cloth. Think of it as cloth’s equivalent of charcoal. It catches and easily ignites with the limited sparks generated by true flint and steel. Fortunately the modern high tech flint rods generate a much larger and longer lasting burst of sparks. This gives a better chance of igniting a wider assortment of tinders.
Here are other options for these cotton balls and possibly a way to improve performances. A slightly less messy possibility is rather than the petroleum jelly the cotton can be dipped lightly in paraffin. To use these the ball is cracked open and the inner fibers fluffed. The improvement is the addition of magnesium. If you opt for the larger department store magnesium bar they can be trimmed to more easily fit into a kit. A friend takes them and cuts them in half lengthwise. He the cuts a groove in the edge of the part that does not have the striker bar and glues several lighter flints into it. This gives him a 2 for one deal. When sawing such a bar there will be some shavings generated that can be saved or the second half can be either shaved with a knife or run across a file to create fine grains of metal. These shavings can then be mixed into the cotton balls before coating with petroleum jelly or paraffin. These shavings would make them easier to ignite and make them burn much, much hotter.
An another choice is to cut chunks of Duraflame logs. These are essentially sawdust and paraffin of course with a few other things thrown in. There are even something’s that look like giant matches with their own self-igniter. The best choice might be road flares. As they will start a blaze in a blizzard. You might be able to slip one or two of the smaller 5-minute kind into the briefcase.
An additional option to increase the burn time of the initial lighting is the use of candles. Depending on the size of a kit these can be almost any desired size. The most common that are often recommended are plumber and tea candles. For the smallest kits birthday candles are considered a prime option. There is the current myth of using those trick birthday candles that re-light when blown out. On the surface this seems to be the neatest thing since sliced bread. There is one drawback. If you carefully read the instructions on the package it says that the candle must burn for 30 seconds to insure that the re-light feature works. If you have built the fire base correctly in the first place the fire has spread into a rather nice burn in those 30 seconds. Being of a curious nature I decided to test this for myself. While the testing methods were rather crude and unscientific the results were rather consistent. I lit them and let them burn in roughly 5 seconds blocks then tried to blow them out. Then saw if they re-ignited. The results were in the first 10 to 15 seconds they went out and did not re-fire just like a normal birthday candle. After that things got iffy. Up into the 20 to 25 second ranges the chances ran about 50-50. Sometimes they worked sometimes they went out. The longer they burned the better the chances. After 30 seconds in most cases they worked as advertised. If candles are your choice you can decide if the slightly more expensive trick candles are worth it. But then again if they inspire a bit more confidence in your fire lighting ability the extra expense might very well be worth it.
There are also various commercial tinder products on the markets. Some dry or semidry cubes that will catch a spark to pastes and ribbons that need direct flame. There is on compact product called the Pitch Witch. From all appearances these could be easily duplicated at home as they look like several layers of paper towels dipped in paraffin.
Regardless of the ignition source or choice of carried tinder here are a couple of useful items to help start a fire. The first is a common ordinary pencil sharpener. The small plastic kind. Yes I know the knife artists say they can make wood shavings with their knife. But take a stick small enough to fit into the hole and you can grind out piles of thin shavings in a very short time. They are fine enough that they will even a fire steel will light them. Not as easily other things but it will work. The pencil sharpener will produce more consistently thin shavings at a much faster rate than any knife. Additionally it should pass security measures that a knife would not. Who knows, given the normal supplies around an office or found in most briefcases the source of such shavings could easily be an actual pencil.
Anyone that has ever lit a fire in the wild knows the procedure. Build the fire structure. Strike a light and insert it into the tinder. Then stick your butt into the air and your face into the dirt. To my way of thinking a rather undignified position. Finally blow like crazy to supply oxygen to increase the fire to a self-sustaining level. About half way there most people have to stop and rest because they get a bit woozy. This is because they are hyperventilating. And if the fire flares or is blow back toward you, you end up with singed eyebrows or worse. A second fire starting aid is 5 or so feet of surgical rubber tubing can eliminate many of these problems. The length will allow you to sit upright. Because of the narrow opening, a single breath will last much longer almost preventing the chance of hyperventilation. The air stream that results can be directed exactly where it is most needed. This makes each breath more effective in encouraging the fire. But like all things to be considered for a kit this item has other functions it can perform. It can be used as a sipping straw for seeps and solar stills. As this is the same stuff used as the power bands of modern slingshots. You can see some of the possibilities. But it can also be use to construct a spear gun or an ersatz bow for other range weapons. It can be used to power spring traps. Along with any other needs that could use a springy hollow tube.
Let us suppose that you want the advantage of fire without the inconveniences of a natural wood fire. There are all kinds of commercial stoves and fuels in the backpacking world. Some of which are even small enough to be included in the style of kit we are building. Although most of these would not fit in a pocket they could find a place in the briefcase portion of the system.
One of the simplest and most compact models that meet the requirements of our kit is the Esbit. It is a to metal frame that folds into a package about the size of a deck of cards. It could actually fit into a pocket of a jacket or vest. Several fuel tabs can be stored inside in its travel mode. Unfortunately it would only supply a very limited number and duration of fires available for use. Although the Esbit tabs or parts of tabs can be substituted as part of the tinder for a regular fire. While this would probably be acceptable in most situations contemplated. It might be advisable to have something available for more extended period of time.
Another possible choice would be Sterno, Canned Heat or Ecofuel. These are gelled liquid fuels such as alcohol. While they do not burn with as nearly an intense heat as the Esbit fuel tabs they have a much longer burn time. And while the fuel tabs can be extinguished it is not nearly as easy as putting out these cans of fuel. This would allow their use over a much more extended period of time. Therefore probably a better choice as a heating source. Although they will not cook as quickly they are more than adequate.
Even candles can supply an amazing amount of warmth if used to heat a limited area. Other than such candles as ladyfinger emergency candles and plumber candles which have often been used in the past for this purpose. There is a product called Nu-Wick candles. That are exceptionally well suited for our needs. These are essentially the candle in the can. One advantage of this is that even if exposed to high temperature while in storage is that in the event it happens to melt it will still be contained within the can. That way none of the contents are lost or causes damage to other items that are around it. One feature is extremely advantageous is that they come with several wicks that float upon the melted wax. This allows the number used at any one time to be adjusted to fit the current situation. A single wick for general lighting to several to generate additional heat for warming an area or for cooking food.
Here are two ways the necessary area that needs to be heated can be limited so that such items can be an adequate source of energy. The first would be to use in the interior of a stranded vehicle. The second method would be a huddle construction involving a poncho, large garbage bags, tarps or an emergency space blanket. First dig a hole near the base of a tree to place the candle or other heat source. This is to lower the physical height of the flame to protect the poncho or other cover used from direct exposure to that flame. The tree is to act as a back support/rest. You need to place some form of insulation on the ground between the hole and the tree. This is because setting on the cold, cold ground will pull tremendous amounts of heat from your body. You should if possible try to get even more between your back and the tree. The insulation will also make the seat a bit more comfortable. Light and place the fire source in the hole. Set down between the hole and tree. The poncho or other substitute forms a cone around you and over the fire that retains the heat from the fire. This makes for an extremely comfortable environment in even the most extreme conditions. Surprisingly you can even nap in this position. While you won’t get the kind of rest from a tent, sleeping bag and sleeping mat or better yet a real bed. It is a rest that is available using limited means. Yes Vlad, this is one of your many contributions and you deserve all due credit. While in the city you might not have a tree or a place to dig a hole. This concept can be easily modified for use in urban surroundings. You can simple set on a sidewalk and lean against a building wall. Fortunately the hole is not absolutely necessary as the flames on Sterno, Nu-Wick or tuna candle are not that tall. Even better try to find a niche or corner that will block the wind even more than the poncho alone. One source of effective insulation that is rather unique to urban environment is newspaper. Many street people regularly use and survive cold weather using newspapers as a sleeping pad and blanket.
If you are into the DIY crowd thinking that first it is cheaper and that by making it yourself you can craft a more personalized item that fulfills your specific needs better than some mass produced item that will do in a pinch. Two such homemade substitutes for the Nu-Wick are the buddy burner that has been around for a long time and the tuna candle another Vlad idea. Both use a tuna can as the container. First because these cans are heavy duty and can standup to the exposure to fire quite well. Secondly because of the relative height to width ratio. This makes them very stable and greatly reduces the chances of being tipped over during use. Thus limiting the fire danger. There are plastic lids sold to cap cat food cans that also fit tuna cans. These can be used when cooled to make sealed units for storage and transportation. The buddy burner is a can filled with a roll of newspaper or cardboard and saturated with paraffin. The entire surface acts as a gigantic wick. For the tuna candle the can is filled with paraffin with several wicks placed into it. Usually 3, 4 or 5 wicks spaced about the can. This makes it more adjustable because you can chose the number of wicks that are actually lit. If you have a source of used candles or stubs these can be use to reduce the expense of construction. While both are adequate to generate heat for cooking or warmth. Also as a light source. The buddy burner the better choice for heat and the tuna candle is better as a light. Both can be refueled by the simple expedient of adding chunks or slices of paraffin or wax while it is in use. It melts and combines with what is already there. These are compact and light enough to be considered for use in all but the smallest of kits. I’d seriously consider sticking one in the briefcase. Additionally if you are interested in more DIY stoves there is an excellent collection of such items found at the Wings Stove Archive @
http://wings.interfree.it/In almost any disaster along with everything else the power grid goes down also. Although because of everything that runs on electricity a power outage is generally considered a major disaster in its own right especially in a major city. No power to the pumps that supply water and remove waste. Elevators stop where they are. Just hope that’s not where you are when things go down. Sure there are ways out but it is a lot of work, takes a great deal of time and can be very dangerous. Stores close because the cash registers cease to function. That means chances are you won’t be able to get any last second supplies. Worst of all no lights. If that is the only thing going on like what happened in New York. And it happens in the middle of a nice summer day. It could be a lark. But can you really count on that? I think not. While most commercial building have some form of emergency lighting this is only for the short-term situations not a couple of days. The total absence of artificial light in a big city has to be experienced to be believed. It can be very disorienting, depressing and down right scary. Especially when the animals come out to play.
What we need is some way to supply your own personal island of brightness. Candles have already been discussed. They work fine in enclosed spaces where they won’t blow out. Great if proper care is taken and they don’t get knocked over starting a blaze. In most cases the need is to be mobile. So a prudent prepper makes arrangements to shed some light on the subject at hand. Now a 6-D cell maglite is fantastic and will light things up for blocks. It is also a great defensive weapon. But let’s face it. It is just a wee bit much to lug around all the time everyday. Unless you are a security guard and it is part of the uniform. Even if you figure a way to tote it without looking strange. So for a kit we must think smaller much, much smaller. For everyday carry most people think of the AA and triple A Maglites or Surefires. These are very good lights, but generally burn through a set of batteries in a couple of hours. To have light for a reasonable amount of time you need to carry so many spares that we are again in the realm of it is too much to bother carrying. So we don’t. If these lights are carried it is nominally with a single set of spares. There is a bright side to this situation. 99 times out of a hundred we don’t actually need the amount of light even these small cousins provide. The answer to long duration lighting is very simple. This is the use of LEDs as the source of light.
LED flashlights come in all shapes, sizes and in a rainbow of colors both in package and light output. The greatest advantage of these is that they are very miserly in their power usage. Therefore they last much longer. Currently they have even started to make replacement assemblies to retrofit the maglite line with LED bulbs. These trends will probably spread to other makes and models if it becomes profitable. While single LEDs do not rival standard light bulbs let alone some of the high intensity lamps. With the use of several LEDs they are even overcoming most of this objection. Some of the newest that use several LEDs have adjustable levels by switching to different numbers energized. Even these high output systems last considerably longer than equivalent light bulbs. Some combine regular bulbs and LEDs. Many of these come in the form of headlamps with remote battery packs. One of the smallest and most popular of these is the Photon Microlite. The Photon is about the size of 3 quarters stacked together. Like many of this general size they use watch batteries for power. They generally last several hours. And a supply of these batteries that would last days on end would weigh ounces instead of pounds of conventional batteries. And take up less space than a single C cell. A step up in size but still in the realm of easy pocket carry is the CMG Infinity. These metal cased lights use a single AA battery and are little bigger that the battery alone. The stated duration of these is 40 hours on a single cell. Another advantage of these particular lights is that if you also use a regular flashlight like the maglite is that when the batteries in the maglite is drained significantly they can go in into the Infinity. Here they will still give full output of the LED for several more hours. Additionally this reduces logistic problems by using a single sized battery. Also since many modern electronics use the AA. There will be additional sources for replacement cells. Both fully charged and some partially drained but still viable.
My recommendations are again for redundancy. First a double A full strength flashlight such as a maglite or the like. For times when maximum light is needed. This could be carried either in a belt pouch or the briefcase. A CMG for on a key chain, pocket or briefcase this gives you long duration area light. Finally for the pocket a Photon or similar for quick use. Some lights have a constant on switch some do not. It is best to get ones that have the on switch, as holding one on at all times can be a real strain. These lights are one of the few prep items that you can share the knowledge of with your coworkers. While they might think you are a bit eccentric for carrying one. It is not as if you are really weird or dangerous. You can be the office hero by lighting up dark corners looking for things or under desks plugging equipment back in. I also recommend an interesting accessory that works for all three. It is a headband designed for the maglite. It is a strip of cloth that is adjustable for head size with elastic loops to hold a light. This makes for hands free operation, which is very convenient.
Purifying suspect water and collecting water. Believe me if you are not 100% sure of the water you had better have some method available to make it safe to drink. No method of purification will solve all the potential means of contamination. You need to choose the method that will fit the probable sources. With standing water you can dip it up with a container. In narrow openings the water can be sucked up with your rubber hose or a straw. Most mechanical filters are designed to pump water from where it is. Many have extended hoses that give a bit more reach. Large clear bags can be fitted over bushes and tree limbs. This is called transpiration the act of plants giving of moisture the bag collects and condenses it. Where there is no surface water solar stills can evaporate moisture form the soil if any is available or from chopped up plant material. With a cloth or sponge dew can be collected in the early morning. Many recommend a sponge. These are the ones that come very dry and compressed into a very flat package. You could trim one up and place it in your PSK tin. A further choice would be those super synthetic chamois cloths. They use to be a big rage at trade shows. They are often advertised for cleaning up spills. Especially the ability to put moisture out of carpeting. They are suppose to absorb 10 times their volume in water. They can easily be trimmed to any size needed to fit the kit. If it is raining it can be collected. Unless it is a downpour a simple pot or cup will not garner very much. But a large sheet of plastic or tarp can collect a surprising amount even in a light misting rain.
Boiling will kill parasites and germs in the water. You need a heat source, usually fire, and some form of container. Now the container does not necessarily need to be fire proof. Primitive people would take the stomach or hide from a large animal. This would be suspended from a frame or used to line a hole in the ground. Rocks would then be heated in a fire. The rock would then be placed in the resultant pouch with liquid. This can heat the liquid, stew or porridge to a boil. This same thing can be preformed using modern day plastic bags. Although the hot rocks would need to be suspended free of the sides and bottom. That way the extreme heat of the rocks will not to melt a hole through the plastic. You will have to improvise some form of tongs to handle the rocks to keep from toasting your fingers.
Chemical purification as with boiling will only kill germs not remove toxic or dissolved chemicals from the water such as the salt in sea water. Bleach works well for home use but is somewhat bulky for kit use although bleach could be carried in a one ounce plastic bottle. The most common method for kits is the use of Porta Aqua tablets. They come 50 to a bottle and purify 1 quart per tablet. This size would easily fit in a briefcase system. For smaller kits a smaller number might need to be repackaged in smaller a container. The iodine system uses a rather large bottle. Water is added to a bottle of iodine crystals to form a saturated solution. The one called Polar Pure will process about 2000 gallons. But because of the size it would only work in large systems probably in kits larger than this type of design.
Solar such as the solar still. Although it does requires a dug hole, a rather large sheet of plastic and a catch container. The design can be found in most wilderness survival books. Solar stills are not just to get water in the desert. They can be used to purify contaminated water. As long as there is sunshine. And if it is raining the setup will act as a catch basin to collect the falling water. Maybe it is a bit much for this type of kit. It will remove everything except volatile chemicals.
Filters by their very name mechanically remove germs. The holes in the selected filter medium are so small that they strain out most microorganisms that can cause you problems. Many of these filters either incorporate or have add-on activated charcoal filters. These are to remove many potential chemical contaminants. Generally the limiting factor on quantity they can clean is the carbon portion.
While some filters are expedition and home sized. What we are interested in are the compact models designed for camping. Most are about the size and weight of a 2-D cell flashlights up to about that of a one-quart bottle making them just about right to fit in a briefcase.
There are some filters that are specifically fabricated to remove salt from seawater. If your escape plans include a boat and a resultant ocean voyage you may want to investigate these specialty filters. A more appropriate location for these would be on the boat rather than this kit.
Apparently they are again producing straw filters. These are about the size of an old fashion fountain pen. I have no current information on these second-generation models. I do know that the ones of a few years ago were removed from the market because of some serious defects. Whether these new ones will stand up to use only time and testers will tell.
There is a small unit that runs on batteries and uses salt and water to produce a purifying compound. That is undoubtedly chlorine based. This item seems a bit gimmicky to me. Also it uses batteries that run down.
Regardless of the chosen method of purification to be used I recommend pre-filtering the water. By that I mean pouring or drawing the water through a coffee filter or piece of cloth. While any part of your attire can donate a portion for this operation. A decorative breast pocket handkerchief or bandana is excellent in this role. By doing this it removes large debris and suspended solids such as bits of leaves, dirt and mud. By removing these substances beforehand it will make your actual method more effective and efficient. As these products would clog filters, coat and contaminate the boiling container or consume a portion of a chemical purifier.
Again I would recommend more than one method being available in the kit. While boiling is the lowest tech method it requires more time than the other methods. It is more labor intensive and fixes you to a single location while being preformed, as does a solar still. Fire you can make. But carrying a pot that would hold significant amount of water is impractical. While chemical purification also takes time the chemicals can be added to the water container then the entire works can be carried away. The water can be drunk at a later time after the chemicals have preformed their magic. With filter as soon as you stop pumping the water is ready to drink or to go. The advantage of this is you can drink your fill carrying the water internally plus carry away a supply for later in your chosen container. As previously mentioned there are ways to improvise a useful container. Other than what has already been discussed you can form a pot from aluminum foil. But simply forming a crude bowl is not the best way to go. If you research origami [The art of folding paper] there are several ways to fold the foil to make a pan or box. This results in a much sturdier overall container. Generally it will also produce a container with more volume for the same amount of initial material over crumpling it into a bowl. In most cases for a constant carry kit you will not need the hundreds or thousands of gallons of purification supplied by the iodine systems or most of the filters can provide. The small bottle of Porta-Aqua should suffice for your temporary needs. Although by all means if you desire a higher capacity go for it. While most filters are far larger than the Polar Pure iodine bottle they are generally less likely to break than this glass bottle. Earlier I recommended one of those filter bottles. While as large as many filters they have less capacity, as much of the space is an empty bottle. The major advantage here is that before use this empty space can be packed with other emergency supplies. This plastic bottle will excite less comment even if seen by your coworkers than a dedicated filter. To them it appears to be only a water bottle. You might again seem eccentric but not very dangerous.
So I guess my recommendations are the ability to boil, chemical purifier such as Porta-Aqua and a minimal filter with some way to pre-filter thrown in. Just remember these are minimum levels you can always opt for a more complete and extensive system as space allows.
Shelter: Your first line of defense against the harsh elements or shelter, if you will, is the cloths you wear. If it is bad weather hopefully you came dressed for it. Or better yet for the worst it could get. Obviously while inside through out the day such heavy-duty outerwear will be stowed away somewhere. If disaster strikes hopefully it will be close to hand if you have to beat a rapid retreat. But if you believe in Murphy’s Law it won’t be. So if it isn’t you will need to make provisions to supply a substitution or even enhancements as part of your kit if you do get them and things get worse than expected.
Of course we would all like a regular tent. Better yet a trailer, RV or building to shelter in. But these things might not fit very well in our daily carry kit. So we need to focus on will fit in our kit and perform the desired functions of sheltering us.
I’ve mentioned ponchos. If nothing else they help keep you dryer and block the wind. As anyone can see even tucked into a briefcase we are not talking a full-featured one, way too much bulk and weight. Those emergency ones that fold up to the size of a pack of cigarettes will suffice if you remember their limitations. They are lightweight and damage easily. So care must be taken. They are somewhat small and fragile but will function in all the necessary roles and even work for the tuna candle heating trick.
The next item up for consideration is the space blanket. They come in two forms. The regular blanket which is heavy-duty and a bit much for our kit although not for other kits and stashes. The emergency style is a very thin sheet of Mylar. It also will not stand rough handling, as it will tear easily. It folds to about the size of a pair of decks of playing cards. They also come in a bag form to act like an emergency sleeping bag. This size and its heat reflective capacity make it very attractive to tuck one into a corner or pocket of the briefcase. It can also substitute for a poncho or work in conjunction with one. If used to construct a lean-to it will reflect the heat of a fire built in front of it down into the sleeping area. A second blanket set up behind the fire will truly focus quit a bit of heat in the sleeping area.
One complaint against these blankets aside from its fragile nature is that of static cling. Which makes it nearly impossible to unfold it without tearing it when rushed and panicked in an emergency. Here’s a little trick to deal with this problem with a little preparation beforehand. Under controlled conditions at home but outside. You are going to make a mess. On a calm weather day with you in that condition also. Make sure you are relaxed and have plenty of time. Carefully and calmly unfold and spread out the blanket on a flat area. Then scatter a little baby powder over the blanket. A half a teaspoon or even less is more than enough. The baby powder acts as a lubricant. That way when the chips are down the blanket opens out with ease. I told you to do it outside, as it would make a mess. Some people say that refolding these blankets back into a package as small as the original is virtually impossible. Well, from having done this with my own. I find that if you take your time, are very careful and patient it may not be quit as small but you can come very, very close. With plenty of time and some effort I got two of them back in zip seal bags they came in. Now if you get frustrated and start jamming it together you’ll end up with a mess about 3 times too big.
Next on the agenda are large industrial strength drum liners. No not your home garbage bags or even lawn and leaf bags. These things are at least twice as thick and tough enough to stand up to a lot of use. They are even heavier than some labeled as contractor grade. These are sized to fit in 55-gallon drums. One caution is that like garbage bags are that they are often treated to reduce odors or prevent insect infestation. That means they should not be used to store food or water. These are multi-use items in the extreme. Typically they come in black and green although road crews often have them in orange and similar sized bags can come in clear. The first common use is as a poncho. Cut a hole in the bottom for the head and if desired armholes in the sides and pull over your head. Sure the head is exposed but the rest of the body is covered. They can even work in conjunction with a poncho. This would function to form layers in a cold situation. With the exception of a very small percentage they will fit over most people. If you are one of these you will need to make other provisions. Two placed end to end will make a tube tent. Strung on a line as support. They can be stuck together with duct tape but overlapping a bit can also work. You then have a choice. Slice open the bottom of both to form a flow through tube tent. Or you can open only one end and poke a hole for the support rope in the bottom of the other. This will reduce ventilation somewhat but will keep the breeze from blowing through. Just remember to sleep with your head at the open end. Two without the support rope will form a sleeping bag. Although if you can sleep curled up rather than stretched out one will work. A bag slit down one side and across the bottom will form a tarp for lean-to construction. Abet on the smaller side but it will work. These and as a bag to hold things are just a few things they can be used for. The number of uses is only limited to the imagination.
There are a few other items that are similar in nature. The ubiquitous blue tarps. While they useful are much too large for smaller kits. Clear plastic sheets or bags are especially useful as they can be used not only for the typical functions but also as transpiration bags or for solar still construction. It is a fine line between usefulness and excessive bulk. You need to balance the gauge of the plastic. The thicker it is it is the more robust for construction purposes but thinner will pack in a smaller more acceptable bundle but will be less able to stand up to abuse.
Let us also consider other clothing items we could or should include depending upon the area of operation and the season. Of course winter in the north is going to require maximum cloths load out. But the danger of hypothermia is actually greatest in fall and spring. Why? In winter you expect it could happen and take the necessary precautions and watch for signs it is starting to happen. In the spring and fall with there more rapidly changing weather conditions it can sneak up on you without much warning.
A bandana is a prime example of versatility. Look at the Boy Scouts neckerchief. It is essentially a bandana. They have raised its use to a high art as a bandaging tool for example. It can strain water. It can even be used as an emergency face mask or head cover.
Speaking of a head cover it is essential. Even if people call you a fathead your melon doesn’t have very much natural insulation. Experts claim you can loose over 50% of your body heat through your head. This is for two reasons. First the brain requires a tremendous amount of blood to function. This can literally pump your core heat away in a heartbeat. Second even with minimal clothing the rest of your body has some insulation around it to hold in the heat you generate. While, your head is normally totally exposed to everything. So Some form of protection is needed. The most accepted hat is usually the military wool watch cap. Wool being one of the best insulators and the cap design is very compact. Another choice is the balaclava. Which is a fancy name for a ski mask. While a bit larger than the watch cap it does cover more exposed areas such as the face and neck. Which supplies more protection. Which is always a great bonus. Even a crushable Boonie hat or similar product is better than nothing.
A spare pair of socks can be of great benefit. Wet socks can be very detrimental to your health. Think trench foot and frostbite. Whether the moisture is from internal or external sources. With a spare pair you can swap out for a dry pair giving those that were worn a chance to dry out. You can also wear more than one pair for more insulation. Additionally a pair of socks can pinch hit as mittens for warmth or to handle hot objects like a cooking pot. An ersatz hot pad, if you will. They can even be worn over glove providing added protection.
At an absolute minimum I recommend a bandana, socks and a pair of trash bags. Remember the bandana can serve as a head cover. If room is available, slide in an emergency space blanket and a hat. Maybe up grade the hat to a balaclava. An emergency poncho is nice but the bags can replace it. A clear sheet or bag for water procurement would be nice but might drive you over your capacity.
The idea of carrying along either a stock of food or means of procuring it is somewhat debatable. Your body uses water to digest food so if you have no water do not eat, as lack of water will get to you quicker than lack of food will. The experts say you can go a 3 weeks to a month without food. This is true with a couple of big exceptions. These ifs are you are not using up energy. Like sleeping 16 hours a day and then reposing in comfort the other 8. No one has really studied how quickly physical performance will degrade. By that I mean heavy labor such as hiking your backside home, to help or clearing rubble. What about during cold weather? The colder it is the more calories you burn to keep up core temperature. Another factor is psychological in nature. While you may be easily able to skip a couple of meals after a day or so it will start praying on your mind. Although most of us would probably benefit from grazing a bit less. Why do you think the normal bait for traps is food? During an emergency you don’t need the distraction of a growling stomach. Go a week with nothing and thoughts of food will override almost any other concerns. It could cause you to make some rather stupid decisions. True, you won’t be able to carry enough to actually meet your needs but even a little can be a great boost to morale.
Carry along food. Generally hard candy is a good choice. The sugar rush can give you a quick lift at critical time. Also slowly letting it dissolve in your mouth makes it seem to last longer and seeming to fill up more space inside. Bouillon cubes are another package of choice. Think of them as a convenient form of seasoning. They supply very little nutritional value. What they do is make a flavored broth out of water. If you forage for eatable greenery and other wild food sources their flavors may put you off. Adding the flavoring from a bouillon cube may make it somewhat more palatable. Making these odd foods more acceptable. Their extremely salty nature can help replace salt loss from excessive sweating from strenuous labor needed to cope with a disaster. Another thought is adding a supply of fiber capsules. While they won’t supply calories they will expand to fill an empty belly somewhat. Again tricking the mind. A dozen or so wouldn’t take up much room in your case or pocket.
Some would recommend lifeboat rations. I’ll admit, they seem like an excellent product. In spite of the fact that I haven’t tried them myself. They might be ideal in a larger kit. As they are somewhat expensive and not readily available.
Probably one of the better choices would be power bars. One brand or another is found in every Stop N’ Rob and grocery stores everywhere. There are also quite a few recipes available to make your own versions. This would allow you to make flavor combinations not available commercially but more to your liking. Besides you know that every so often you are going to sneak one out of the kit for a snack. This is OK because this will serve to rotate out older stock and keeps the supply relatively fresh. There are two rules that must be followed for this to work. First any snack or for that matter any item borrowed from the kit needs to be replaced as quickly as possible. Better yet get the replacement before using it. Don’t get into the attitude of manana. Because soon tomorrow will be the next week, then next month or next year finally ending as never. Second don’t make a habit going to your kit on a whim. Sure when you really need something it is fine. A kit is for emergencies not convenience.
Dried fruit is another good choice. But it greatly depends upon how it is packaged. Another thing many people like is jerky. The biggest problem with commercial product is they have way to much salt and other preservatives. While buying things off the shelf is very convenient, even a busy executive can go the DIY route. They might even find it a relaxing hobby.
Aside from making stuff for kits drying food is a good and economical method of preserving foods. By doing it yourself rather than having something preprocessed in a factory gives you more control. Rather than accepting average quality that is required for mass production you can use only the best. You also select any combinations of items, balance of spices and any other additives used.
For jerky you can greatly reduce the amount of salt. You can follow various recipes or combine parts of several to get the taste combination you like best. You can make it mild, spicy or flaming hot. This is fine for around the hose snacking. For a kit you might want to lean towards the mild and blander end of the spectrum. As you don’t really want to increase the stress on your system especially in an already stressful situation. You can make different varieties for a change of pace. And it is not only beef but fish and fowl also. About the only meat product you shouldn’t is pork.
Small fruits can be dried whole. Others can be cut into manageable proportions. Still others can be reduced to pulp to make fruit leathers. Anyone ever have a fruit roll up? Well they are the commercial version of a fruit leather. Ever get the urge to try some flavor or combination of flavors that are not available? By making them yourself you can try any flavors your heart desires.
Throw in the vegetables you can dry and you can have the components to make almost any thing from snacks to complete meals. By buying during peak season, in bulk and when on sale can markedly reduce grocery bills. It can also lead to healthier eating. Because drying concentrates flavors snacks will be even more enjoyable.
You can go primitive and air dry as our ancestors did. It can even be done in an oven set on low. Nevertheless once you get started you will find you want to run more and bigger batches. To accomplish this, get a dedicated food dehydrator. It will make things go smoother and be more energy efficient. For short-term storage the food can be kept in jars. Not real compatible with the concept of kits that got you started in the first place. What you need is one of those vacuum-packing machines. They will open up a completely other world of storage. Not only for food, but many other things including your kit components.
As you will not be able to really carry enough food to cover any extended period of time you might want to carry along some methods to capture food on the hoof. Yes even in the largest of cities, wildlife abounds. Yes we would like steel traps but a single one alone is too much to carry in such a kit as this. Even in larger more complete kits they add up in bulk and weight very rapidly. Primitive traps made from native found material are a possibility. This can either be in the form of remembered knowledge or carried notes. About the only trap item that will fit is snare wire. Traditionally this has been 20 to 24 gauge brass wire. Light enough and small enough to carry in sufficient quantity and strong enough to do the job. Brass has been chosen because it is resistant to corrosion and malleable enough to be easily worked with the hands alone. Current some are advocating stainless steel wire. While it resists rust the problem I see is it is not quite as flexible. This would not be a hindrance for the noose portion but forming the tight twists of the small loop that forms the slider portion might be difficult without something like a multitool.
The advantages of snares and traps are they work 24/7 without supervision. You only need to check them for catches occasionally. The major error that some people make is setting out too few snares. Depending upon the animal population in the area there is a ratio of catches to number of set traps. The more that are set out the better the chances of success. Again trapping is a learned skill.
As mentioned in talking about bouillon cubes there is the possibility of foraging wild eatable greenery even in a city. Not only in park areas, but also in vacant lots. Anywhere plant life can grow. This would require study and knowledge of what plant life is safe to consume or at the very least a guide to such plants. It is better to have some one with experience show and teach you what they are. It is truly amazing the things we walk past every day that can be eaten. If you are adventurous you can even increase your chances of finding such items. You could intentionally plant indigenous wild plants along potential travel routes anywhere there is open soil. This could be wild areas in parks, vacant lots or grass medium strips along roadways. By planting such sites yourself you will know exactly where to find it. The choice of what to plant should be wild growth that comes up year after year by itself. That way you don’t have to repeat the process. They should also be plants that do not appear to be a food source to the average person more like weeds. That way it should be there for you is you need it. Of course being in the city your foraging could be for commercially packaged food. Not exactly looting but could be misconstrued as such.
If there are bodies of water there are probably fish. Because there are other possible uses of the components a fishing kit is not completely out of line. Typically small fishing kits are built around small containers. Generally film canisters or pill bottles. Throw in a hand full of hooks, some split shot sinkers and maybe a bobber if space is available. Whatever fishing line is selected is wound around the outside of the container, spooled on a sewing machine bobbin or wrapped on a stick. The stick used is normally a pencil so that it serves double duty. One advantage of these types of kits is that they can easily contain treble hooks. Treble hooks make it easier if you engage in snagging rather than straight fishing.
I personally have trod a slightly different trail to make my own. I took my inspiration from several sources. The Brunton pocket survival kit and the Tool Logic gave me the idea to design it to fit in a credit card slot in a wallet. From traveling sewing kits the concept of winding thread or in this case fishing line around a notched card. Junk mail supplied the source of the base material. Several times a week I receive various credit card offers as you probably do also. Many of which contain a facsimile of the card. Some are now coming in cardboard but some still are made of plastic. To start I melt several matching pairs of shallow rounded notches along the short side of the card. When the fishing line is wound on the card it goes around the longest part. I melt the rounded notches as it makes them smoother than simply cutting them. No jagged edges to hang up the line. I use a soldering iron because that is what I have. A small heated rod would do the same thing. Then smooth the edges. In mine I made 3 sets of notches in the top half of the card. The lower section is for hooks. I think it was Ron Hood that showed laying several hooks along a strip of tape then covering it with a second strip. This would then be rolled or folded for storage. I used this idea to attach hooks to the card. In many small and not so small kits the some people suggest a very large hook be included to serve as a gaff. I like it. So I got some hooks slightly smaller than the card. The old saw about you can’t catch small fish with a large hook but you can catch a large fish with a small hook. This is somewhat true but sizing the hook to the average sized fish available makes more sense to me. To that end I include 3 sizes of hooks 8’s, 10’s and 12’s. To be more space efficient I nest the hooks with the 2 smaller hooks inside the curve of the largest. The layout is I cover the card with the gaff hook. Then the fishing hooks are laid along the lower edge of the card. If placed end to end you can fit about 4. I ended up with 5. But with a bit of fidgeting you could probable fit 6 sets of 3. I then cover them with a strip of clear packing tape to hold them in place. Some day I would like to try heating the plastic and vacuum forming the card to the hooks thus placing them in groves making a flatter and thinner package. The tape would still be necessary but would be an even better hold. To remove the hooks you select the one you want the cut or pop the hook through the tape. You could use wide masking tape also. Of course you need to trim the tape to the edges of the card. Instead of split shot sinkers I ran across a different product. The package looks like a book of matches. It has a cardboard cover just like paper matches. Inside are 2 sheets of lead. Slits are cut into the sheets forming them into strips attached along one edge about the same size of a match. To use a strip is torn off and twisted around the line. For the kit I took one of the sheets and glued it to the card. Makes a flatter package than split shots. I lay 3 prepared small plastic zip baggies for bobbers on top. The wound line holds them in place. These are about 1 X 1 or 1 ½ X 1 ½ inches. If you take a hot needle, you can melt a small hole in the lip above the seal. By melting the hole rather than simply poking the hole makes it a bit stronger less chance of a tear out. The bag can be filled with air and sealed. Then the fishing line is run through the prepared hole. It makes an instant and very compact bobber for your kit. Finally the fishing line is wrapped around the card in the notches. I like Spider line as 50-pound line is the same size of most other 10 pound line. There is less chance of breaking the stronger line. Therefore you have a smaller chance of loosing the catch and the hook. Yet you get the same amount of line in the same space as the lighter lines. Giving you more bang for the buck. It makes nice convenient sized package, which slips right into my wallet. I do the same thing to make a sewing kit with the needles added the same way instead of the hooks. Also the same for small cordage, particularly dental floss, and snare wire but the notches go down the entire side of the card. .
The first thoughts on how to use the fishing kit in pole fishing. This is where you tie the line to the end of a flexible pole and drop the hook end into the water. There are several other options with the equipment available. Similar to pole fishing but an untended method is green branch fishing. If there is a tree with branches hanging over the water a line is tied to a springy branch. When a fish strikes the flex in the branch plays the fish. One is the Haitian Zebco. Here the line is wrapped around a soda can or bottle. It is hand cast and the can is used as a retrieval and storage device. Yet another method is the use as a trot line. A heavier line is strung into or across the water. Then several baited lines are suspended from this main line. The hope is that one or more fish are hooked for retrieval. Yet another method is jug fishing. Individual lines are hung from floats and spread about on the water. This is called jug fishing because traditionally plastic jugs are used as floats. But anything that floats can be used. One way of doing this is to use sticks. There is a trick to make this more effective. Rocks are tied to one end of the stick. This causes the stick to float upright rather than flat on the water causing them to be more visible. Also if the line is tied to the middle or other end if a fish is on the line it causes the stick to bob and dip. Thus signaling when a catch is made. One of the best ways to gather fish is the use of a gill net but this would require including a net in your gear. Fortunately a gill net of reasonable size can pack down into a very small package. Personally not being that much of a fisherman I prefer using a quarter stick as it work well and quickly. But that kind of equipage isn’t really viable for a daily carry kit.
Of course if you intend to fish you will need bait in some form or other. For actual food type bait they can be just that. Bits of food from your kit. If you have made a previous catch of either fish or meat the scraps from cleaning your catch can be used as future bait. Every survival book around will usually have a section on how and where to find bugs, grubs and worms. One trick I learned is sweeping up bait. The shallows of any water source often contain an abundance of minnows and other small aquatic life. If you take something to act like a broom and sweep rapidly and forcefully through these shallows toward the shore many will be tossed up on the bank. Sometimes you can even sweep up enough of this small stuff to make a meal. Minnows fried whole can be eaten like french fries. A couple of handfuls will easily equal a full fish. A couple of saved minnows can become bait. You probably won’t have a broom handy to try this trick so you will need to improvise. A well-leafed tree branch can work. Make it small enough to handle but large enough to cover a reasonable area. Another way is to build a broom. Take a forked stick or a couple sticks tied together to form a fork. A couple of pieces of PVC pipe will work also. Attach across the fork a piece of cloth. Your bandana, a T-shirt or any other cloth available will do. Voila instant broom.
OK so you can’t acquire any bait to begin. You will just have to go with an artificial lure. You could always add a couple of commercial lures to your kit. They could be spinners, rubber worms, poppers, plugs, bugs or flies. One thing many have in common is they are shiny. They reflect light and attract the fish’s attention. Or you build one off the cuff. A piece of your space blanket or aluminum foil from your kit or even a gum wrapper will work. If you are ever out fishing for fun, try experimenting by fashioning your own improvised lures.
So you have something to eat. Time to cook it. Especially in fish and game there might be parasites present. The heat of cooking will kill them. Also many foods taste better cooked versus raw. You could play mountain man and jam them on a stick while charring them over an open flame. While it will work it is not the best way to do it. You will notice liquid dripping into the fire. True this is mostly fat. While a high fat diet over the long term is not good for you. In a survival situation you do not want to waste a single calorie. The optimum way to cook in this kind of situation is to make a soup or stew. That way nothing is lost.
If you go with the Nalgene water bottle route with without the filter cap you can find at many camping supply outlets metal cups that snugly fit over the bottom of the 1 quart bottles. That way the empty space of the cup is filled with the bottle instead of simply taking up room. Some of these cups come with ridged handles. Others have handles that fold around the cup for even more space saving. Of course if you don’t go this way there are a host of other sized and shaped cups available. While cups are not large enough to really cook the way a mess kit would they are about as large as you could conveniently and comfortably fit in such a kit. The most famous of these cups are the Sierra Cups. Another popular choice is the G. I. Canteen cup.
Earlier I spoke making a pan from aluminum foil. While the foil makes a small package and such a pan work they do have a major drawback. That is one of durability. Generally such a pan will only last for a single use or with care maybe a couple more before developing holes and leaking.
I have developed a pan that doesn’t take up much more space than the folded foil package yet will last longer. I have made some that have survived several cycles of folding and unfolding and at least a dozen cooking operations before failure. More, if the cooking is only boiling water. In its folded size of 3 X 6 inches it fits nicely in the bill compartment of a survival wallet. When set up to use the pan is 6 X 6 inches square by 3 inches deep. This pan can hold just shy of 2 quarts. Not bad working size for such a small carrying size. The size is not fixed in stone. You can use the same design with your own choice of dimensions. I just find these measurements to work out well. Yes the stress of sitting on it can shorten the pan’s life expectancy but it is a convenient way to carry it.
To start the process I take a disposable cookie sheet or oven liner pan. They are made from aluminum about 3 times as thick as aluminum foil and somewhat more ridged. The extra thickness is what gives it better life expectancy. I cut a 12 ½ X 12 ½ inch square of the material. Then trim ¼ inch by 3 ¼ inch strip from each corner and a 3 inch piece going the other way. What this leaves the center 6 inches of the assembly with a ¼ inch flap on all 4 sides. The flap is folded over twice. This gives a more ridged rim of the assembled pan. When shaping the pan it should be folded so that this rim is on the outside of the pan. That way whatever is cooked in the pan doesn’t get trapped under this rim. Makes for better hygiene.
To make the travel package 3 inches of the one side is folded into the center. Then the same is done with the other side. Making a 6 X 12 package. Then the 2 remaining sides are folded in the same manner. Making a 6 X 6 package. The final step is to fold it in half. Making it 3 X 6 wallet sized. If you are going to carry it somewhere else that has more room the final step can be skipped.
Now comes setting up the pan. Obviously you have to unfold the flat pack. The 3 inch square art the corner of the pan that is not a part of the final pan shape is folded diagonally from the corner of the pan bottom to the outer tip forming a triangle. Also pulling up the middle pieces forming the sides of the pan. The triangle is then folded flat along the side. With care the triangle can be tucked under the rim of the pan. This will help hold it more solidly in place. Resulting in a more ridged pan. Normally two of the triangles are folded along the same side and the other two along the opposite end.
Care must be taken when handling this pan. Remember that it is not a solid pan or it could not be folded up. It is also relatively flexible. If not handled judiciously it could easily dump the contents. Also despite tucking the corners the weight of a full pan can cause it to unfold again causing a spill. Losing whatever you are cooking, maybe dousing your fire and making an overall mess. Moreover the pan can burn through especially is left on the fire if empty or nearly so.
When it comes to first aid and hygiene there is very little that can fit in this size kit. For a truly adequate FAC it would be almost the same size as the rest of the kit combined. You can carry little more than a few bandages, maybe a pack or two of antibiotic ointment and some wipes. The wipes can be alcohol prep pads, those handy wipes used in most fast food places or a combination. Other items that can be included to clean things for first aid and hygiene purposes are a bar of soap, one of those hotel-sized bars. Other than getting them from a hotel, which is difficult, you can make your own or one about the same size. Take a regular bar of soap and slice off a slab about the right size. Then wrap it in Saran Wrap. Another choice is those hand sanitizer products. They come in travel sized packages. There are also other over the counter products such as medicines, aspirin and the like, available in individual use packets. For much more you will have to wing it.
If you have to take medication on a regular basis you should carry several days worth with you. As most deteriorate over time they must be used on a regular basis and replaced with fresh stock. In a larger stash you might even want to consider a month’s worth.
Some free advice for what it is worth. One thing I do recommend in a disaster is to do your best to go it on your own or with a group you know. Avoid if at all possible public shelters. Their first order of business is to control you as they see fit not what is in your best interest. To you, you are an individual with your own needs and wants. To them you are a number one of the herd. Everyone to be treated the same way. And that is usually with a healthy dose of contempt. The first thing that will happen is you will be searched and anything not on the approved list. And brother that list is very, very short. They will even take personal medication from you. That way you have to kowtow to them to get what was yours to begin with. And then not on your schedule but when it is convenient for them. As for anything sharp, you can forget that. Think of airport security on steroids. And if a security screener takes a fancy to something you have. Well of course it won’t be on the list so kiss it goodbye. Even if you decide to leave after your initial arrival you won’t get your things back. All in the name of daddy knows best. We wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself. You can’t exist without our guidance.
Of course these kits are for disasters that occur suddenly. If there is warning that something is coming you can use the time to gear up more completely. With even more warning you have the option of getting completely out of the danger zone. Part of evacuation is timing. You don’t want to jump at the least little happening. Do it to often you might face early forced retirement. But you want to try to be ahead of the pack. The majority of folks will wait until official notice or the last minute. Evidence shows that you are likely to be stuck in massive traffic jams. Often when the disaster strikes. Because of these traffic jams you run a good chance of running out of fuel. Since many others will face the same situation most supplies along the route will be quickly exhausted. So it is best to be aware of events around you and know when to jump. Being one of the first ones out will save you considerable grief and worry.
Well for what it is worth combining these types of items, while not ideal, can give you a fighting chance in most any type or size of disaster. But then again only if you have them with you when things go wrong. Get the needed training to use your equipment and practice it regularly to keep your skills sharp. Take the time to figure out different ways that what you have can perform unintended tasks. Learn how to make use of things you may be able to find around you. So gear up with the knowledge that you have made things more secure in your own corner of the world.