Originally Posted By: celler
So I guess those cute little Otterbox holders aren't worth much anymore.

I am so tired of the TSA and its special brand of lunacy. Its all about "feel good" politics with little attention to logical protective measures. Remember when you couldn't take a simple bottle of water on a plane. It only took two weeks of real life experience to prove that policy a complete shambles. And there are example after example of similar failed policies...

Personally, I am tired of traveling "naked." YMMV.


amen to that. i'm so accustomed to carrying at least a pound of EDC that walking around with just a wallet and cell phone, as in an airport, feels almost as strange as not wearing clothing.
Originally Posted By: scafool
Camping teaches us what things we can live without.

Originally Posted By: ironraven
...Shopping appeals to the soul of the hunter-gatherer.