Originally Posted By: Sherpadog

- I would leave behind the SAS survival guide book.
That would be blasphemous!! For the small weight gain in carrying this book, I have used it more times then I can remember over the years. An added benefit, some pages can be used for fire starter if need be.

Well said! It's a great book and if nothing else it will give you something to read.

There's actually a "Collins Gem" edition of this book which I have in my BOB. It's rather small, and only weighs about 200g

Also, here's a little ultrarunning trick:

Duct tape works better than moleskin. It sticks well, prevents chafing, and doesn't add much bulk which can actually exaggerate hot spots in a shoe. Preventative duct taping before blisters form is best so get it on there the moment anything starts rubbing, but even if you have to drain a blister before applying - it will patch you up and let you keep going.

In a pinch, those empty energy gel packets are also really good for reducing friction and preventing blisters. Just put them between your sock and shoe.

When you step out that door in the morning you never really know what you're going to encounter.