Originally Posted By: el_diabl0
I prefer the radio/internet combination. My local TV stations over dramatize every local weather event, trying to out-scoop the competition. We had a small tornado (F-0 that lasted about 1 minute) damage the roof of a building and cause other minor damage near my home earlier this spring. The local Fox channel had a remote broadcast van camped out in the neighborhood for 3 days. Every time they'd broadcast a story from the remote, the report was preceded by their lovely graphic "Operation Storm Watch is in effect". Unreal.

Another time, I was watching a show when the weather team interrupted with a "breaking weather alert", and the weather guy was forced to stay on the air for 20 minutes while a light storm rolled through. You could sense his frustration, and at one point he even said "This is by no means severe weather", but the station forced him to stay on air, most likely so that if anything DID happen, they were the first station to bring you the info. I missed the end of the program I was watching.

What stinks is that this type of thinking leads to the "cry wolf" syndrome. If they keep breaking in for the little stuff, then no one will pay any attention when a "big one" comes through. It all stems from the frenzy to get the news on before the competition beats them to it...