I personal don't own a Becker but almost bought one awhile back until I discovered Scrap Yard knives. They are extremely tough knives and have a unconditional lifetime warranty that says you can't destroy it basically, but the rules are you can't use machinery to destroy it (no putting it in a caterpillar actuator or a press). You can batting it all you want to cut down any type tree and if it breaks they will replace it, all they asked is that you tell them how you did it. The down side of these knives are that they are very thick and a little more heaver, but when you chop trees they hold a edge for a long time and resharpening it is a breeze with a ceramic rod. The best way to find out the true difference is to post this question on this forum:
http://www.scrapyardknives.com/ubbthread...=true#Post96875and there are several guys who own becker knives as well as ranger knives but trust there survival to Bussie knives, weather it's Bussie Combat,Scrap Yard or Swamp Rat. I can't give you an answer to the question because I don't own a becker but Horn Dog could give you a better answer with all the tests they do. I have a Yard dog which is like the Yard Hook but without the hook and it's a very well built knife, very heavy but I doubt you will break it. The best EDC knives I've seen is a Dumpster Mutt and Yard Keeper, I use to love the mutt till I got the keeper now I've switched to it now. If you will post over there, they can give you an idea of the pros and cons of the becker. Here is some ideas of the knives.
Here my lovely assistant holds the Dumpster mutt, Yard Keeper, and Buck for thickness comparison.
http://www.scrapyardknives.com/ubbthread...=true#Post96875Here are the final pics of our extensive, destructive testing! The first pics show the enormous lateral strength of the Dog Father! We bolted a 4-foot long solid steel bar to the tang of the Dog Father and then bent it all the way to the floor without breaking! The knife remains unbroken!
The pic below shows the cutting and edge holding horsepower of the Dog Father!. . . We cut over 300 pieces of 1inch hemp rope without dulling! Our deep proprietary heat treatment and cryogenic treatment sets our SR-77 apart from any other S-7 blades on the market. We’ll be more than happy to perform a LIVE side-by-side cutting demonstration against ANY other maker or manufacturer with their version of S-7! The Dog Father will spank them!
The pics below show the Dog Father during and after chopping through 2 concrete blocks! You can see the chunks flying in the first pic! The other pics show the edge AFTER the concrete buffet! The extremely minor edge deformation was easily fixed with very little sharpening!