Why not just cover your bases with your EDC?
Put a mini Bic in your pocket, a photon on your keys, maybe a Hot Spark too. Instead of stashing $50 in a kit keep $50 extra in your wallet, under the insole of your shoe or somewhere else on your person.
As far a blades be flexible. If your edc can't go somehwere (like a plane) improvise. I carry a pair of EMT shears in my computer bag when I fly. I have never had a TSA agent even acknowledge them in 20+ trips through the check points all over the US. I have begun "experimenting" with leaving a SAK Classic in my computer bag and so far......

Anyway my point is that IMO you don't need to keep making kit after kit for every situation. Your EDC can cover 90% of your needs.
And I don't mean walking around with the "Bat Belt" and/or your pants falling down with over loaded pockets. A simple gathering of useful stuff in your edc will suffice. Oh and then bring a big brain.