I'm a federal employee and work in a secured location and carry a lot more than that in both my vehicle, and on my person on a daily basis. Just make sure to see what the laws and regs are concerning any item you want to carry into any area. Often times company/federal regs can prohibit things that you arent aware of.

Unless you're a prison guard in a high risk area i doubt that you would be frisked. Don't sweat it.

a blade (non locking) thats under 2.5 inches in length is legal where I work and in most federal facilities unless prohibited by local regulations. Could i carry a chris reeve sebenza, or Doug's PSK inside my facility?

Not a chance.. If i was caught with them I could very likely go to Prison.( especially if I was in a cryptologic access area )

Descretion is the better part of valor, So I carry a little 2 inch non locking folder, but I keep it to myself. Just like everything else that normally resides in my briefcase. I have a Johnson and Johnson Pocket first aid kit (5 bucks at wallgreens )in it that's chock full of PSK items. ( 2 scalpel blades, 2 lighters, cash, photons, pure aqua tabs, mylar blanket, 550 cord, 4 ft of duct tape, matches, etc. )

I would STRONGLY advise you to NOT conceal, strap, tape, wire, or adhere ANY package or container to your person. With the anti-terrorism climate in this country, it is asking for trouble. You IMMEDIATELY become suspected of no good.

Just sayin..

victory begins with a mindset...