I soon be ordering from the US sight "campingsurvival.com"<br>I will be ordering the following items: <br> Leatherman Wave Multi-Tool, Survival Tool <br> $59.95 <br> COGHLANS Survival Signal Mirror <br> $7.39 <br> U.S. Navy 'Storm' All Weather Whistle <br> $4.95 <br> Esbit Pocket Stove <br> $5.95 <br> U.S. Army Survival Manual, Our Current BEST SELLING Book <br> $3.95 <br> 2X5MM Mini Caribiner With Keychain <br> $0.65 <br> G.I 520 LB. Test 50' Paracord <br> $2.95 <br> Leatherman Micra <br> $17.95<br><br>It totals $ 104.39 (£67.52)<br>plus $17 (£10.99) postage and packing ( US to UK) brings it to $126.39 (£80.45)<br><br>I think this is a good price, but does anyone think that I should not purchase a certain item?<br>