So I guess those cute little Otterbox holders aren't worth much anymore.

I am so tired of the TSA and its special brand of lunacy. Its all about "feel good" politics with little attention to logical protective measures. Remember when you couldn't take a simple bottle of water on a plane. It only took two weeks of real life experience to prove that policy a complete shambles. And there are example after example of similar failed policies.

I tell my wife every time I suffer through the indignity of taking off my shoes to go through security, "Honey, I hope no one tries to blow up a plane with a pair of underwear, then we'll really be in for it." Is the American public going to suffer thorugh this for another four years until somebody wakes up and decides that the possibility of another shoe bomber is incredibly remote?

I guess so long as the gross majority of us are willing to suffer any indignity in the name of "security", it will continue.

Personally, I am tired of traveling "naked." YMMV.
