Originally Posted By: Susan

When the FBI sent 21 teams out to 21 airports to see if they could get bombmaking stuff on board, every single one succeeded. TSAs can at least recognize lighters. They obviously don't have a clue as to what bomb components look like.

I guess all the poor little TSAs can do now is check baby formula and underwire bras, or stand around with their hands in their pockets looking bewildered.


Garbage collectors are paid more than these people, when you offer 30-40k a year you don't get the people that are qualified running to fill the positions. The training for most of them is basic at best and not to the level required to do the job. 90% of the population in this country not trained wouldn't know what bomb component looked like if the found them (they don't always look like the ones on TV). If we expect them to protect the planes and the passengers they need to be trained not only to look for these things but to deal with people in a professional manner. In short if you can't expect a person to go from flipping burgers one week to being skilled at anything, you have to train them to be professionals.
Depend on yourself, help those who are not able, and teach those that are.