Myself, wife, 2 small children, and pets live in an apt with no outdoor space in southern Manhattan. In my circa 20 years of living here we have either lost tap water or have had contaminated water on many occasions due to everything from power outages to water main breaks to replacement of pipes and tanks in our apt buildings. I'm not one to not do my homework so I surfed and purchased the Sawyer PointONE system. Already have a waterbob tank as well as bottled water figured this system would be good in case of contamination of the tap water. Whew done. Sawyer comes out with the MINI system; order 4 of those to have in the edc bag, the car, etc. I think 80 bucks well spend. Reading more forums; boom there is something called the purificup. Wow this thing take the Sawyer devices to another level as they get rid of bacteria, viruses, as well as heavy metals, chlorine, pesticides, etc. Around $50 and vs the sawyers above the cost per gallon is much higher but its for emergency use so I'm good. So I've spent about $200 in water filters so far. More research find the Berkey purification systems. They do all of the above plus a lot more. So....before I drop $200-$250 on a Berkey I wanted to ask is there anything else I should consider? In retrospect the sawyer products are great for camping. The purificup has its place but on a cost per gallon basis its kinda a lot. Anyways interested in purification systems that can take as much nasty - biological and chemical - out of the water as possible.