I'm moving soon, and will no longer have a fireplace. So I will be getting some kind of camp stove in case of power outages. Primary usage would be for simple cooking (boil water, heat soups, etc.)

I've looked through the threads around here, and am aware that I know NOTHING about what kind I should get, so would appreciate recommendations.

I want:

* A fuel with a VERY long shelf life. It could be years before I use up a single canister/bottle/whatever.

* Something I can safely use indoors. I would probably put it on top of the stove, and open a couple of windows for ventilation.

* Something a complete greenhorn can operate with a minimum of hassle. Yes, I'll practice with it occasionally, so I don't have to figure it out under adverse circumstances, but I don't want something "fussy".

* I live in San Diego County, so I want something appropriate for temperatures from about 40F ("Winter" lows) to the low 100sF (Summer highs).

What do you all suggest I look for?
Okey-dokey. What's plan B?