A few folks may chuckle at this, but ever since I saw the footage of pets that people left behind during Katrina. I have been bouncing around the idea of an Evac. kit for my pet.

This kit is for a cat, but it could be tweaked to suit any pet.

I'll store it on a shelf next to his pet carrier, which has bedding, leash and harness in it.

1. 15qt Sterilite (stores the kit and becomes the litter box)
2. Food
3. Water
4. Litter (small 10 lb bag)
5. Baking Soda (odor control!!!!)
6. Litter scoop
7. Hand sanitizer
8. Bungee cords
9. Small ziplock bags for waste
10. Food and water dish


Sealed up ready to go!

The brat the kit is for.

In omnia paratus