Howdy there. I've got a question that I hope some here can help answer.

I just found out a friend of mine recently (5 weeks ago) was given 2 hectares on a somewhat remote hillside in Mexico (near Ciudad Valles). He runs his own business here in the States and said he plans building a cabin on it and using it every 6 weeks or whatever between projects. For about as long as I've known him (10yrs now) he's wanted to have a cabin where he can self-sustain, hunt, etc. Now he can. Lucky dog!

I'm going to be seeing him when I head home to Texas and would like to get him something that can help. So I thought perhaps some here would have ideas for a gift. Maybe a book for building an off-grid/solar cabin, water/rain collection, something along the off the grid living.

Any ideas or recommendations would be welcome. Thanks!
