Is anyone following the stories about the Amaruk Wilderness Corp.? Supposedly a Norwegian company, it got into the news when a young woman who graduated from a Christian university in Canada applied for a job there and received an extremely anti-Christian rejection letter from someone calling himself Olaf Amundsen, the company's hiring manager.

This "company" has been around - in electronic format, at least - for at least 3 years. That's when they applied to join a tourism association in the Canadian Yukon, claiming that they operated a C-130. The photograph of the C-130 on their website turned out to belong to the New York National Guard. (Amundsen's picture on the website turned out to have been taken from Pinterest.)

I searched for the work "Amaruk" on the forums here but didn't turn up any hits. Just wondering if anyone here has encountered this joker (it appears all the insulting e-mails sent out to multiple job applicants were written by the same person, according to the story) or anything that sounds similar.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."