We celebrated Mother's Day with a hike through a local marshland today.

When we reached the beach a couple of hours later, we decided to have a campfire. My son brought his pocket knife so we thought we'd let him have a go at the fire steel.

He almost got it but, when the sparks started, he was a little too nervous to get close enough.

So, Dad stepped in to show him how it's done while I manned the camera.

He was thrilled when it got going, and said "It's like magic!" Too bad we forgot the hotdogs and marshmallows. He might have stayed there all day but we still had a 2 hour hike back to the car.

Best Mother's Day EVER!!

P.S. Since I know my fellow ETSers, here's a pic of his knife. It's an Olympia, made-in-China-bought-at-a-local-military-surplus-store special. It's nothing special but ok for his first, only used with direct supervision sharp. It has one blade, a can/bottle opener, a fork, a spook and the two halves come apart so he can use the knife and fork at the same time with two hands.

Edited by bacpacjac (05/08/11 10:46 PM)
Mom & Adventurer

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