A crash test between a 2009 Malibu and a 1959 Bel Air. Watch the video:


Assuming you were in the Bel Air.

The good news: the Bel Air is about 2/3 salvageable. A new front end and driver door, and a little frame straightening and it will be back on the road. The uni-body of the new car makes it a total loss.

The bad news: If you were in the Bel Air you are either dead, or so badly mangled you are looking forward to death. Notice how the dummy bounces around. Before you can start the rebuild you have to hose the bodies out. Whereas the driver in the Malibu walked away.

I like old cars. They are roomy, tough, and easy to work on. Just don't get in a crash with one.

People who are seeking to avoid vehicles with electronics, on the off chance there is a EMP event, need to keep in mind older vehicles can get you mangled or killed in a serious accident. Life is a matter of trade-offs. Thousands die every month on the road. As far as I can tell nobody has died from an EMP, yet. Choose wisely.