I just saw this story about Britain de-classifying their " War Book " from 1970.

That article made me wonder why no Civil Defense programs have existed in the USA for decades? I thought it would be interesting to learn the perspective of other ETS Forum members on this subject... so please feel free to chime in.

A few possible explanations (???) that popped into my mind:
1. majority of citizens THINK that no threat exists to warrant the need of a Civil Defense program
2. no Civil Defense threat exists
3. Homeland Security and FEMA already provide all the "Civil Defense" that we need
4. it's ludicrous to think that a Civil Defense program would actually provide any benefit
5. too expensive to undertake an effective Civil Defense strategy/program
6. a Civil Defense program does exist, we just call it something else now
7. it's just easier not to think about it, and go watch some TV instead