No this isn't spam. Just to advise that it happens and for people to think about precautions.

My wife was a little naive and didn't think it would happen to her.
We are 98% sure that nothing happened and she was able to call me for help (after several tries).

What a mess, that stuff is nasty. It happened at a party that she went to for an hour or so (she can't recall) she was with co-workers and they didn't see anything.

Symptoms she had: Speech problems, comatose state, nausea, lost memories.

I'm a we bit towards the paranoid side myself, Darn if this helps. She's ok but still out of it 8hrs afterward. I was up all night listening to every breath uggg.

This was an upper scale group of people (lawyers and professionals).

Close calls shouldn't be that close! Watch your drinks guys (and let your wives know it happens even with normal folks)!

She's ok enough now that I'm going to crash.