Okay, so this one time I take the family to a Washington State University football game in Pullman, WA. It is unseasonably hot, pushing temps into the 90s. The air is stale and the bleachers are scalding. Everywhere around us people are sucking up $2.00 bottles of water, sodas, anything to keep hydrated. We bring 4 gallons of water with us to the game, and I know that is not going to keep us cool enough. Up at the concessions, I notice carts running around delivering ice to the vendors. I stop one and ask how much a 20 lb bag of ice costs. "$3.00" is the response. Before he can blink I have the money in my outstretched hand. Back in the stands, we take turns hugging the big ice bag, occasionally dropping chunks of it into the water jugs. The girls occasionally grab a chunk and rub it on their necks and arms. When it gets low, I go up and pick up another bag. No one else around us seems to catch on that we are the only ones sitting relatively comfortably watching the game, at least for about a half hour or so, then I notice one or two others have seen us and figured it out. Yeah, I got a little wet, but I was able to stay into the game and not worry too much about whether one of us would succomb.

Anyone else have a good example like that?
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)