Sometimes things work out. I was debating a change of careers, from computer programming/development to technical writing, when an opportunity opened up. I made a leap of faith and jumped.

My old commute was 120 miles roundtrip, plus turnpike fees. My new commute will be less than 50 miles roundtrip, no fees.

The great thing is, my old manager set it up for me. He was running out of things for me to do (yikes), and asked me if I wanted to switch tracks into technical writing.

I said yes, and had a nice, friendly interview at my new company, which is owned by my old company. The Gods smiled and a new career was born.

The even greater thing is, everyone was really happy for me. I must have made a good impression. Everyone was thrilled that I landed a job locally to where I lived. I made a good exit. Handshakes and smiles all round. How often does that happen.

As I won't be exhausted from my commute now, I hope I will be able to spend more time here at Equipped.
