In my endless search for the unusual and gadgety, I recently acquired a 3-piece West German mess kit. After playing with it for a while, I became rather impressed - it can do all sorts of things. If you haven’t see one, it is similar to the German WWII version - but slightly larger and with a nesting 1/2 litre dish inside. The nesting dish hangs on the handle of the cover/cup/fry pan to create a two dish food tray. The main pot also holds about 1.5 litres of food/liquid, or 1 litre with the nesting dish inserted. The whole thing is made of aluminum.

I am thinking of using it to replace my cook kit for camping.

Question to my fellow ETS posters: Do any of you have any experience with this kit? Opinions, tips on it’s use, etc., would be most welcome. Any former Bundeswher vets among us?