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#74577 - 10/08/06 03:05 PM Surviving a horror movie
brandtb Offline

Registered: 11/26/04
Posts: 508
Loc: S.E. Pennsylvania

Horror Movie Survival

(its got survival right in the title!)

If the house you're living in tells you to "GO AWAY", do so immediately.

Never take a bath or shower with a maniac/spirit/demon/creature in the house.

If you go up to the counter of the local diner to pay your bill and say "I need directions to the Old Harper Place," and everyone in the place stops talking and looks at you, GET IN YOUR CAR AND GET OUT OF TOWN!

When it appears that you have killed the maniac/spirit/demon/creature, DO NOT check to see if he/she/it is really dead. Keep hacking at it until it is in pieces small enough not to be a threat to you. If you've shot at it, shoot it again in the head, and remember, shoot till it stops moving, and then keep shooting till you're out of ammo. Then reload and shoot it some more. Then set it on fire and burn it up, this works with everything except demons and spirits. Then get the heck out of there!

If plumbing fixtures or other structures in your home begin shaking and spewing body fluids, it's time to leave.

Never read aloud from a book that summons demons. Even as a joke.

Don't look under the bed.

Don’t let old Gypsy women read your palm.

No matter how long the accident ahead will snarl traffic, for the love of God, STAY ON THE INTERSTATE!

Do not search the basement, especially if the power has just gone out.

If trees, TVs, or other objects try to consume your children, save as many as you can and then get the heck out of the area.

If relatives or pets come back from the dead, don't approach them and ask "What did you come back to do?"

If inanimate objects such as dolls, toys, or furniture attack you, be prudent, leave the area.

If you've hidden from the maniac/spirit/demon/creature and you are not found, do not peek from or decide it's safe to leave your hiding place. If you do decide to leave, scan the ground for twigs before you take a step.

Never believe that your companion has truly become "dispossessed."

It is very, very dangerous to back into, or through rooms.

If your children speak to you in Latin or any other language which they do not know, or if they speak to you using a voice which is other than their own, shoot them immediately. It will save you a lot of grief in the long run. (Note: It will probably take several rounds of gunfire to incapacitate them, so be prepared.)

When you have the benefit of numbers, never, ever, pair off, or go in alone. The more people the maniac/spirit/demon/creature is distracted by, the better "your" chance of escape.

Never get into a car without first checking the back seat for occupants.

As a general rule, don't try to solve puzzles that open portals to Hell.

Don't fall asleep if you have a history of homicidal/suicidal nightmares.

Never stand in, on, above, below, beside, or near a grave, tomb, crypt, mausoleum, etc.

If you find something that appears to be alive that you cannot identify, don't pick it up or touch it, with anything.

If you're searching for something which caused a noise and find out that it's just the cat, leave the room immediately or else you will quickly die.

If someone is in the water and starts screaming and is pulled under, Don't go after them or peek over the edge of the shore "to see what's wrong." If you are in a boat, head for shore.

If appliances start operating by themselves, you are in danger.

Do not accept/take anything from the dead.

If priests won't or can't enter your home, start looking for a new home.

If you discover the place you are visiting is known for its history of mass murders, deaths, freak accidents, or supernatural occurrences, leave.

If you wake up from a particularly horrific dream and find yourself still alive, you probably aren't awake yet.

If you find a town which looks deserted, it is probably deserted for a damn good reason. Take the hint and stay away.

Don't play with ouija boards. If you do and the ouija board starts moving by itself, stop playing and leave.

If supernatural beings start calling your name, leave the area immediately.

Never pick up a hitchhiker or stop to aid a suspicious person, especially if he/she/it resembles Santa Claus or Satan.

Don't fool with recombinant DNA technology unless you're really sure you know what you are doing.

Make sure that your weapon is really loaded before you try to use it.

If your space ship gets a alien distress signal from what appears to be a dead planet, don't stop to check it out.

Never put your back to or lean on a door.

Never take the dare to spend a night in a haunted house.

Never speak to clowns in sewers.

Never accept gifts from strangers, especially if you suspect that they are really supernatural beings.

If your companions exhibit uncharacteristic behavior such as hissing, biting, thirst for blood, howling, glowing eyes, unnatural hairiness, marked resemblance to demons, excretion of ectoplasm or other forms of gelatinous goo, flaming appendages, extra appendages, etc., get as far away from them as possible.

Listen closely to the soundtrack for hints on what is going on around you. Use all resources available, especially the audience, for on the average, they are much, much more intelligent than you could ever hope to be.

Stay away from certain geographical locations, some of which are listed here: Amityville, Elm Street, Crystal Lake, Transylvania, Nilbog (God help you if you recognize this one), Mydian, Questa Verde, the Bermuda Triangle, or any small town in Maine.

Beware of transvestite doctors that sing.

Avoid secluded mountain resorts, especially those which keep 'Redrum' in stock.

Beware of strangers bearing tools of destruction such as chainsaws, staple guns, chipper/shredders, weed poppers, combines, lawnmowers, knives, flamethrowers, band saws, crossbows, napalm, grenades, high-powered rifles, gophers wielding axes, laser pistols, or Alludium Q-36 explosive space modulators. If you're going to shoot something, in the immortal words of Robert Ruark, african game hunter, "USE ENOUGH GUN."

If entering your craft you put your hand in a kind of sticky/slimy/resinous kind of substance that was not there before, turn and run immediately.

If you are in the Arctic and find an alien frozen in ice, don't touch it, don't thaw it out. Leave it alone. The alien should be incinerated with thermite (or preferably a thermonuclear weapon), otherwise if it thaws out, it will kill you and every living thing on earth.

If the gang plans a fun midnight party in the town's old abandoned mansion, don't tag along. Especially don't tag along if everyone's going as couples, except you're the odd guy/gal out. And if you're the gang's jokester, you may as well write up your last will and testament while you're driving with them to the place.

Never, never, NEVER try to communicate with something icky because "there's so much we can learn from them".

When something bad is chasing you, bear in mind that when you try to start your car, no matter how reliable the vehicle is normally, you'll have to crank the engine over many times before it will fire up.

When you happen to be one of the fortunate ones and actually make it through the film alive, never, NEVER sign on to do a sequel. If you do, expect to depart this world in the first five minutes.

Strange lights are seldom harbingers of joy.

If you realize that the people in your town/county are having their minds taken over by some strange force, alien or otherwise: DO NOT call the police as they are (a) either already taken over themselves and will turn you in or (b) will not believe you and laugh at you. Either way, you must handle the problem yourself.

People arriving to rescue you generally get ambushed by the monster, so don't rely on them as your only means of escape. In fact, expect to be surprised and delayed by encountering their flayed corpse at some point. Once again, you must handle the problem by yourself using plucky spirit and whatever makeshift weapons are available.

Whatever you do, DO NOT keep pets such as cats, dogs, hamsters, or anything cuddly. If you must, do not let them out of your sight for so much as a second.

When you land on a distant planet and find some objects that look like eggs, leave them alone.

When one of your spaceship's crew finds a hideous parasite attached to his body (as a result of disobeying the previous rule), don't let him back on the ship. The guy's dogmeat anyway.

When a hideous alien menace is hunting you (as a result of disobeying the previous two rules) never wander off alone to hunt for the ship's cat.

Never, EVER go in/out there (There being the attic, closet, barn, basement, dark alley, dark anywhere else, the all-concealing shadows, the woods or the lake)

If someone who seems important tells you to do or NOT do something (like DON'T fall asleep, DON'T leave me, DON'T look for the homicidal-chainsaw-wielding- psychopath by yourself) by all means, listen to them, unless doing so would break another of the guidelines.

If you manage to lose a few body parts along the way, don't despair. Take this opportunity to replace them with weapons, such as chainsaws, harpoons, etc.

While in a horror film, never bathe, especially when in the house alone.

In terms of weaponry and general equipment for fighting the monster, never rely on any tool more complicated than a pointed stick. Generators will inexplicably run out of power, just as the nasty space-vegetable climbs onto your jury rigged electrical grid. Just when you've got the ghoul lined up in your sights, your gun will invariably jam.

If you are a female, never show your breasts, easy women are expendable.

Ask why the estate is being sold so cheaply.

If you have defeated the monster, pay close attention to the camera, if it pans away for no apparent reason at all, get the heck out of there.

Your dog can take care of itself...

So can your spouse...

And your kids.

Don't be a smart-ass. It'll only get you killed.

If you are a good dog you have a 50-50 chance of survival. Good dogs will only die if they stand up to the monster in defense of their master. Bite the hand that feeds you and run away!

If you are a bad dog, you WILL be dead by the movie's end. Therefore, kill all people you encounter, except for your ex-master, whom you feel strangely compelled to avoid.

If you're a cat, just hide your head and pray that the monsters won't eat you, the Catholic Inquisitors won't burn you as a witch's familiar, and/or the horny teen-age guys don't throw you over the edge of a cliff to see if you land on your feet.

If you're a bird, CONGRATULATIONS! Your people will triumph and rule all in the end (or you might at least escape your $%^& cage!).

If you are even somewhat religious, BECOME AN ATHEIST IMMEDIATELY! Monsters will invariably seek you out, gloating in defiance of "your weak faith," and say mean things about how your deity will be powerless to help you.

ALL genetic experiments will create humanoid mutants (whether or not human/primate DNA is used) with BIG teeth and claws, and a tough hide impervious to bullets. NEVER play god and try your hand at gene-splicing!

A small-town's little summer celebration sounds like fun, but if you hear the locals say things like, "Why you're the guest of honor! We couldn't even ‘have’ the barbecue without you!" run like hell

Never meddle in God's domain.

Don't explode A-Bombs in the Arctic, South Sea atolls, or deep beneath the ocean. These locations are thickly inhabited with survivors from the prehistoric past. (Not to mention the blob, giant octopi, etc.)

Don't explode A-Bombs in the desert, which are full of many insect species just waiting for their chance to mutate into gigantic forms. As a corollary, don't store sugar or picnic foods anywhere near a desert which has been the site of an A-Bomb test.

Don't explode A-Bombs near men or women. They may grow to gigantic size and battle casino signs in Las Vegas.

Don't submerge yourself in a bathyscaphe and search for prehistoric monsters under the ocean. You may as well just drive a giant fish hook through your body and get someone to troll with you.

Always be nice to the shy, quiet, unpopular girl in school.

All myths and legends have a basis in fact.

If you value your life, stay a virgin.

Do not allow a computer the ability to lock doors.

NEVER start crying/whinning when the monster or villan has you cornered, it wastes precious time that you could use to fight back and the monster or villian does not really give a damn about your life anyway.

If you are a woman your chances of survival are much much better if you are a good woman. To be a good woman you must
A. Be a natural blond. Blondes with visible roots are the food of choice of 9 out of 10 aliens
B. Be the daughter of a venerable and crusty scientist, preferably the world's leading expert on things with scales, Latin names or way too many legs. You can dramatically increase your chances of survival at this point by following in your father's footsteps and becoming the world's second best leading expert on things with scales, Latin names or way too many legs.
C. Refrain from wearing makeup, in particular red lipstick or nail polish. This is catnip to monsters
D. If it is too late to become a virgin, become frigid and make sure people know about it. The no makeup thing can be a big help here.
E. Be in love with the bad scientist, at least for the first part of the movie BUT at all costs switch allegiances to the good scientist the second the bad scientist begins to mutate.
F. Wear a rip away blouse and learn to faint gracefully. You will be called on to do this alot.
G. Hang around next to the bad woman a lot. It will make you look pure.

Bad women have only the slimmest hope for survival. Cast jealousy aside and buddy right up to the good woman. Be ready to squash the bad scientist like a bug the second his fortunes turn. Loyalty here is misplaced, he doesn't respect you anyway.

If you are from another planet and of royal blood, abdicate fast. Intergallactic Empresses almost always end up with a face full of acid and a bad attitude. Even the princesses end up as mind slaves to giant insects. This is especially true of royalty whose names end in a vowel. Change your name to Mary Lou and leave the planet.

Never be funnier than the main character.

Don't be a belligerent drunk. They have a nasty habit of getting left behind by the group and wandering to a deserted room (= deathtrap) to sulk.

When investigating a house or place shunned by the whispering townsfolk, don't try on the clothes in the trunk in the attic, don't look in the mirrors, and don't read the diaries.

If the barber remarks on the "666" tattoo your buzzcut kid now has, abandon the kid and move to Irkutsk.

Remember, the priest will NEVER make it to your domicile to relieve you of those pesky supernatural occurrences. Whether by plane, train, auto, horse, donkey, bus, or afoot, he'll never ever make it to your doorstep alive (unless he's secretly in league with Satan).

If you have a cat, give it away. The stupid thing is only going to get trapped in a locked cabinet or closet somehow and scare the living bejeezus out of you when you open it. This, of course, sets you up to be killed the instant you leave the room. Buy a goldfish instead.

Don't be a lurker. Lurkers creep in the shadows, watching people make out. They are always the first to go.

Never announce openly that you're not afraid, you don't believe, or that you're fully prepared. You're just asking for it.

Never do anything morally wrong (pre-marital sex, drugs, making fun of the hero/heroine, etc...)

Never watch a horror movie while you're in a horror movie.

Choose your friends and relatives wisely.

Good choices:
A. chaste teenage girls
B. any preteen girls (excluding those who hold hands in a circle and act like adults or speak in someone else's voice, as cited above)
C. good dogs (cute and/or come to your rescue)
D. younger female assistants to world-famous scientists.
E. the “happy” drunk who stumbles through the movie and wakes up with a hangover at the end

Bad choices:
F. security guards
G. law-enforcement and other municipal officials
H. teachers/professors (especially if they refuse to recognize the existence of the supernatural)
I. executives of companies with questionable environmental/ scientific practices
J. psychiatrists specialized in criminal pathology
K. obnoxious ex-boyfriends of chaste teenage girls
L. bad dogs (Rottweilers, Dobermans, wolf hybrids, any formerly good dog mutated though exposure to chemicals/gene splicing/radiation)
M. imperious rulers of an alien planet
N. any farm hand with a name from the Old Testament
O. and, of course, promiscuous teenage girls.

If your mother keeps having flashbacks to being chased by some horrible monster, and you've always been told that your father, "died in the war," but no one ever said which war, kill yourself at once.

If your family keeps your younger brother chained up in the cellar, it's probably for a good reason, do not intervene.

Never, never, ever, look back over your shoulder wide-eyed as the camera pans in on you for a closeup.
Univ of Saigon 68

#74578 - 10/08/06 05:22 PM Re: Surviving a horror movie
OldBaldGuy Offline

Registered: 09/30/01
Posts: 5695
Loc: Former AFB in CA, recouping fr...
"When it appears that you have killed the maniac/spirit/demon/creature, DO NOT check to see if he/she/it is really dead. Keep hacking at it until it is in pieces small enough not to be a threat to you. If you've shot at it, shoot it again in the head, and remember, shoot till it stops moving, and then keep shooting till you're out of ammo. Then reload and shoot it some more. Then set it on fire and burn it up, this works with everything except demons and spirits. Then get the heck out of there..."

All of that didn't seem to work on Jason, he just kept coming back, half melted hocky mask and everything...

#74579 - 10/08/06 10:04 PM Re: Surviving a horror movie
311 Offline

Registered: 03/12/06
Posts: 285
Would it help to pack the individual pieces in individual steel containers so as to impede reconstitution?

#74580 - 10/25/06 07:13 PM Re: Surviving a horror movie
Leigh_Ratcliffe Offline

Registered: 03/31/06
Posts: 1355
Loc: United Kingdom.
AS it happens, my car kit has:
A P90.
10 x 50 round magazines, Silver (hallmarked) tips, Holywater core.
A flame thrower.
A pocket depth charge launcher for lakes etc
Thermite grenades.
A cross.
A fire hardened yew stake and a mallet.
A decent torch with a VERY wide angle of view.
A thermonuclear device.

As you may appreciate, I am a frequent traveller.
In the pest control business.
I don't do dumb & helpless.

#74581 - 10/25/06 07:26 PM Re: Surviving a horror movie
Malpaso Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 09/12/05
Posts: 817
Loc: MA
I just eat a lot of garlic.
It's not that life is so short, it's that you're dead for so long.

#74582 - 10/25/06 10:30 PM Re: Surviving a horror movie
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
How about Survival of the Society's substantial Preoccupation with Horror Movies, Novels, and on and on and on!? Its as Boring etc to me!, -as the Sports Section would be to a Total NON Sports Person!

I once was pretty much the latter. But as I've Matured, as the Years have gone by, and as I've Branched Out into some other things, -I've come to Like, Value, Appreciate, and Understand Sports a Lot More!, -than I ever have Before! If still in large measure, -kind of a Non Sports Guy.

But Horror Movies, -Forget it! I Don't think its ever gonna Happen! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]brandtb[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#74583 - 10/26/06 06:39 PM Re: Surviving a horror movie
JFBat Offline

Registered: 09/08/05
Posts: 18
Loc: NYC
I find it's enough to just listen to the person who tells you to stay out of the deep, dark, scary basement. Also, if you're on the run from something unwholesome, don't forget that abandoned amusement parks, spooky roller discos, creepy ice rinks and old summer camps where the sexy teens were killed last year all make really poor choices of hiding place. Oh, and avoid space aliens at all costs.

#74584 - 10/26/06 11:45 PM Re: Surviving a horror movie
UTAlumnus Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 03/08/03
Posts: 1019
Loc: East Tennessee near Bristol
There is no such thing as too much garlic <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


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