in a few hours i'll be picking up a buddy for a 12/14 day trip thru the wilderness canoe area in northern Minnesota.
the first day will be down a narrow creek into lakes used by fisherman and familys and then off into the true wild.i plan on getting a permit that will let us,and only us,get entry into backwoods lakes that have no camp sites or portages into.we will have to find a way thru and bushwhack.these are not tiny ponds but good size lakes that were set aside years ago for folks like us who want to get way off the trail.
what make this trip special for me that this is the friend i went with in 1969, when i was just out of the Army, on a wild wilderness canoe trip in Canada.on that trip i decide to use my GI bill in Minnesota and take up canoeing.i think if i had stayed in NY in the 60's and as a Vet i may have taken a much worst path.

try this Youtube link for my PFD survival kit,part two is also there.

Edited by CANOEDOGS (08/07/13 09:46 PM)