A coffee maker that actually makes HOT coffee seems to be rare. I am looking for something inexpensive to take into the office. The hottest coffeemaker we have ever had is our current Kureg, which when set to 190 degrees (highest setting) brews a cup that when measured in the cup immediately after brewing is 178 degrees. By the time I add some liquid creamer out of the refridgerator, I still have to stick the cup into the microware (1200 watts) for 30 seconds. Then it is the temp that I like it (haven't measured what that exact temp is though). If I have a hot chocolate made from the Kuerig, when no cold creamer is added, straight out of the brewer is a good temp. So I'm guessing I must like my coffee around 180 degrees by the time it hits my lips.

I'm not going to take that expensive Kuerig into the office (maybe I could buy a cheaper Kuerig without the bells and whistles), so I tested an old Mr. Coffee 4 cup maker. An anemic 158 degrees. I don't want that for work as the nearest microwave is a bit of a walk. Tried an old Melitta we have. 156 degrees. We have an old Bunn that used to make it pretty hot IIRC, but that keeps its resevoir heated all the time and that is probably inappropriate for something at work. We have a Cuisenart also, and it comes out OK (warm+, but not HOT), however that is big and expensive and we still use that one at home sometimes.

Is there such a thing as an inexpensive coffee maker that actually makes HOT coffee? I wonder what Starbucks serves theirs at? When I buy a cup there, then add creamer, the temp is perfect.