I was flipping channels for Japans earthquake coverage and on MSNBC they had on Aton Edwards a 'Preparedness Expert'.

I went to his wiki and its pretty positive, almost overtly so. Then I remembered seeing him over the years on a couple of news shorts for preparedness and NYC and he wrote that book 'Preparedness Now' which I have not read.

I am not positive or negative on him, but can not find any unbiased review of his technique, book and processes. He is certainly not mentioned on ETS often. As this forum has done often with Bear, Les, Cody, Dave Canterbury and Ray Mears, what is the no-B.S. on this guy.

Is he a publicity hound?
Is he credible, (ie, is the advice sound, tested)?
Do you think he is okay?
Do you think he is crock?
Why do you think he is not mentioned here often, is it because he is not on tv often enough or that he is urban based?
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