Flour had some bugs in it and was left on the porch... on the 2nd night this guy came along and took it!

My dog started barking (inside) I went to investigate... saw the flour trailing away from the front door and realized what had happened. As I went back up the stairs to go back to sleep I realized no raccoon or small critter could have taken that FULL 15lb (I think?) flour. I decided to grab my streamlight ultra stinger and see if anything was outside... and this what I saw just barely. The picture was taken when I got my camera and 2nd streamlight ultra stinger... barely enough light for a picture.

The camera flash scared him away but he came back shortly, and then got scared again... I lost interest went to bed while the wife continued to watch... he came back again she yelled at him and he ran away and I got to sleep again yay!

My dog can sure smell him out there now though, and when he stops to smell something on the mountain I wonder if the bear is back or visiting neighbors..

Gonna have to keep a careful eye on the garden *fenced*.

Anyway, thought you all would enjoy the pic and story.


Self Sufficient Home - Our journey to self sufficiency.