I'm sure many of you know about this story. The atlanta lawyer who knew he had drug resistant form of TB, was advised not to travel, and took 7 flights in the US and Europe, including 2 intercontinental flights.


Speaker was in Europe for his wedding and honeymoon at the time his XDR TB was diagnosed, although he was aware before the trip that he had a form of drug-resistant TB. (CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta on other passengers' fears, frustrations)

Health officials said they advised him not to travel, but they had no authority to prevent him from doing so.

After making it clear that he was set on traveling despite the warnings, the man asked during a meeting with county health officials whether it would help if he wore a mask, Fulton County's Dr. Eric Benning told CNN.

Since the county was not able legally to stop him from traveling, the officials recommended he at least wear a mask, Benning said. Speaker left for Europe a few days later.

It says nothing about him actually wearing a mask on the flight. I doubt he did, because they probably wouldn't have let him board or enter France, Italy, or Greece.

Here it gets interesting. After he found out he was infected with a very dangerous strain and placed on a no fly list he flew on an intercontinental flight anyway to Canada (thats 6 countries now that he's been in). Again, I doubt he wore a mask.


Speaker, who was not identified by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, told the newspaper he was aware he was placed on a no-fly list in the United States after his diagnosis with XDR TB, which is why he decided not to fly into a U.S. airport.

The CDC had alerted Customs and Border Protection authorities about the man on May 22, noting that they anticipated he might board his scheduled June 5 flight into Atlanta, the official said. Instead, Speaker took a Czech Air flight from Prague to Montreal, along with 199 other passengers and crew members, and then drove into the United States.

The other interesting thing is that theres speculation his father in law (who works as a microbiologist for the CDC) was the one who reported him to federal authorities. I don't know about you to to me this guy actions were way beyond careless. Especially since he's an educated, informed person who understood the risks of his condition.
