Not to Get Political, -But Only to Give Due Respect and Regard, -on this Occassion of the Passing On of President Reagan.

Our Current President has today said that this is a Sad Day for America. And it is, in Many Ways.

But at the Same Time, -It is also a Happy Day for America. In that Ron's at Long Last Now Free! -Of the Alzheimers and All that Comes With it, which had Come his Way.

And He and his Beloved Nancy will Someday Be Together Again! Alzheimers Being Left Behind, -and *Not* Coming Along! As at Any Pre-Alzheimers Time of Their's Before!

The Spirit and Person Lives On! I Know I Can say Such with Confidence. Not that Everyone Neccessarily Knows, Feels, or Believes This same thing, -But I Most Certainly Do!

He's Already Met his Daughter Maureen, who had Passed Due to Cancer some Three Years Ago.

We Can also Value and Celebrate the Life He has Led!, -and has Shared Along with Us! As with He, the Man Himself, -This Too is an "Up Moment" for America! In This Sort of a Way.

Let U.S. Now Go Forth, -To Both Remember and Be Renewed In!, -a Living of His Life and Spirit in our Own Lives! Of Course Reagan Himself would Prefer and Want This!, -We Can Be Quite Sure! We can so Celebrate the Life He Lived!, -The Values He Had!, (Even Ones who Must Substantially Differ There, -Can Certainly Share in his General Upstandingness and Optimism!), -And to the Kind of Person He Was!, -Both With and Among Us!

Ron is Still Around! And His Spirit Lives On! We'll Be Running Into One Another Again!

This is an Occassion for Far More Fond Rememberance, Warm Goodbye, and Frankly Celebration and Happiness!, -Than Grief or Sadness! I've shed a few Tears today, -But they are One's of Relief, Respect, and Joy!, -Not One's of Sadness.

Let U.S. So Carry On and Remember!, -in This, and in His, -Spirit! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]

Edited by ScottRezaLogan (06/06/04 02:04 AM)
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.