This has been on my mind recently, and I figured this was as good a time as any to bring it up.

All of us here share an interest in preparedness and survival, and to be effective in these things, it seems to me, that one must have a very rational process of thought and action. I (and I'd be willing to bet others here) have learned the hard way that an action taken with little or no thought given to it very rarely comes out the way in which it was intended. It would follow then, that this forum should be a place where we all can discuss an issue, no matter how contentious, in a logical manner.

I guess this is why I'm surprised when we, who try to think of every possible contingency, who plan out exactly what should be done in any given situation, get caught up with the thoughtless bantering and name calling that we sometimes do. I realize that the situation in the world today is a very sensitive one, but I think that's a reason, not an excuse.

Maybe we should all take the little card out of our altoids tin and re read the part that says Stop, Think, Observe, Plan. It's very easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment, especially when typing and not talking, having to guess weather the other person had any implication beyond what he actually said is tricky, and often emotional rather than logical.

If in a survival situation one was to get pissed off and irrational every time something didn't go his way, what would his chances be? Probably not as good as if he had stayed calm and collected.

I think it is also important to remember that an opinion stated in a post here is the opinion of the individual posting it, not of his country, not of anyone but himself. Assuming anything else is simply playing into the stereotypes that are so divisive.

In closing, I would like to ask for your prayers for all the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines involved in the war in Iraq. Even if you disagree with the war, please don't take it out on the men and women in uniform, they're just doing their job.