Shown above: the light clipped to my baseball cap brim.

I got this a while ago but finally got around to messing with it. It's the standard Countycomm coin cell slide switch light but mounted to a metal clip, using the same screws that hold the light together. It's a very solid semi-permanent attachment that you can only remove by undoing the screws. I like it better than the kludgy plastic slide-in thing from LRI for the Photon lights, though it only rotates in 1 dimension and it's kind of heavy, being metal. Total weight of the whole getup (clip and light) is about 15 grams, vs about 7 grams for a Fauxton with no clip. I have an LRI plastic clip around somewhere and if I find it I'll weigh it.

I ordered it with a red led but decided I wanted it on a white light, so I transplanted the clip to a white one I had around, and I swapped out the led for a Nichia CS. It works really well as a headlamp, weighing around 1/2 ounce and taking almost no space, while making plenty of light for close-up or walking-around use (runtime of these lights is several hours, too). I'd put this in a PSK instead of a Fauxton just because it works so well handsfree, if a ballcap is available. Also it can clip to my backpack strap horizontally at the shoulder, rotating on the swivel 90 degrees so it points forward. They were 3 bucks when I bought mine, but Countycomm now sells them with an orange body for $1.75. I might buy a few more at that price and the orange body is also pretty cool. I noticed that the red one I got came with a little plastic insert wedged into the switch to prevent accidental activation, which has been a problem with these lights in the past. My usual cure has been a piece of scotch tape over the switch until ready for use. (As you can see, I'm fooling around with a recently acquired macro lens).

Available from Countycomm, with more pics, here.