Bear spray is a good tool, but like any tool people need to understand how to use it and, perhaps as importantly, how not to use it. I noticed something in an article I refered to elsewhere that I had heard before, but always had a hard time believing was true:

Herrero said he frequently encounters people dousing their tents and packs with bear spray like it was mosquito repellent.

I really don't understand how people could come to the conclusion that bear spray works that way, but it doesn't. The article continues:

But while bear spray’s irritating chemicals will make an attacking bear break off its charge, the oils and solvents that keep it liquid are a food source in more relaxed situations.

“We’ve found it works as an attractant, and it remains a strong attractant for 24 hours or more after spraying,” Herrero said. He spoke of one man who laid a cloud of spray around his campsite, only to spend the night in a tree while several bears came to investigate.

Just a heads up I guess in case anyone browsing this forum wonders about using bear spray as a preventative bear avoidance measure.

It's also a good reminder that if we ever have to use bear spray in a defensive manner (i.e., the right way!) that we should vacate the area as soon as possible and try to clean ourselves & our gear up as best we can.
Victory awaits him who has everything in order — luck, people call it. Defeat is certain for him who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time; this is called bad luck. Roald Amundsen