For those of you who have a Kindle or other devices running the Kindle app, The Kindle version of The Pathfinder System: Survivability for the Common Man authored by Dave Canterbury is currently free today at

Keep in mind that the "free" books are usually only available for a short duration so you need to carefully check the price first to see if it is still free.

Book Overview:
I am writing this book to provide you the most straightforward and common sense approach to being prepared for what may be called a survival situation. Sharing information on what I call, theoretical survival crap is not my purpose. To be confident and proficient in the skills needed for survival takes practice. Know your kit contents and practice your skills by using them at every given opportunity. Then when the need arises you will be equipped to apply what you have learned. This is not a book about disaster preparedness in urban environments.

It does not discuss “when the grid goes down ideals”. It is based on outdoor everyday activities and geared toward being prepared during an unforeseen emergency in any type environment or even for everyday use. It is also not a survival guide for the jungles of the Amazon or the high peaks of the Andes, but a common man’s book of wisdom for the areas that most of us spend our time the grand old USA. I have traveled the world and practiced my skills in many places. I can tell you from firsthand knowledge, that many of these concepts and skills will carry you wherever you may go.

Standard disclaimers apply...
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.

John Lubbock