Greetings from Oklahoma -

Not a regular poster on the site, but this occasion has brought me out.

My Birthday is this week, and I have $100. I need a knife. I know there is no "perfect" choice here, but I would be curious to know what others would purchase were they in my shoes.

I hunt, camp, fish, hike. I'm not locked in to any brand, or style, but Becker's and Benchmades seem to be good. This knife would serve multiple purposes. Can you have a pocket folder that you can use to baton with?

Just curious what others would purchase as a survival, all around knife selection in the $100 range.

I await the outpouring of knowledge. I know we have seen this question many times, but I trust folks here and really don't want to venture into other websites.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Get busy living...or get busy dying!