Flying may be the safest form of transport, but many of the three million people who take to the air each day are terrified of crashing. Now more than ever, though, it's possible to survive a plane crash.

Most people believe that if they're in a plane crash their time is up. In fact the truth is surprisingly different. In the US alone, between 1983 and 2000, there were 568 plane crashes. Out of the collective 53,487 people onboard, 51,207 survived.

The advances in science and technology now mean over 90% of plane crashes have survivors. And there are many things you might consider to increase your chances of surviving.

"Surviving an aircraft crash is not a matter of fate. You can help yourself getting out of an aircraft quickly, and so there are things you can do to improve your chances of surviving," says Professor Galea.

There is an accompanying video to this article that is available on the web. The website has a couple of snippets but the whole video is more interesting so I included the YouTube link. It was aired on the BBC a couple of years ago but I can't remember if it was discussed here.