Good day all,

I'm currently building up my edc survival kit that will reside in my everyday bag. I have a plan of sorts, which is to have a plastic matchbox to contain the sewing/fishing stuff.

I have these match boxes on order ( and waiting for them to come in (so not sure of the dimension just yet). I was looking for sewing bobbins that are the diameter of the tube. I don't dare ask my wife as she thinks it bad enough i'm already going to the extreme with the junk/stuff (depends who you ask ;-) ) i carry. But the idea was to carry three of these 'bobbins', one for heavy thread (coat & clarks), other for dacron, and the other for spiderwire. I figure with bobbins this size, i can fit quite a large amount of material on them.

If they don't exist, anyone know of how to make a bobbin, partically one that is plastic? Maybe contact cement some plastic disks on either side of existing bobbins (that are the proper size)?

Its a spin off of this chat:

Any ideas?

"One should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything"
William of Ockham (1285-1349)