The thread about the soldier in TX just wandered into a discussion about map reading skills and relating the informaton to the actual landscape. This made me think about a question we could all contribute to;
What skills do you "EDC" that are survival/bushcraft specific or would be really useful in a survival situation?
How did you pick them up? Dad? BSA? Military? Experiential use? etc.

I will start with one of my specialties;

I am a very proficient navigator this includes map and compass, cross country travel and reading climbing topos.
Most of this I learned from backcountry skiing, mountaineering and rock climbing. All of these undertakings require good navigation; many approaches to climbs are cross country and climbing topos can be puzzels in themselves. I have exercised this muscle a lot. But a lot of it comes from a sort of really sharp sense of direction.

Ugh, enough about me what I want to know is what all of you intersting ETSers are good at. Come on I know there are a few EMTs, LEOs (retired too OBG) and veterans.

Tell us about how your picked up your skills.

Edited by billym (06/16/07 02:19 AM)