One of my pet peeves about camping equipment is the refusal of various manufacturers to standardise connections. For example, I recently bought a Primus Omni-Fuel backpacking stove. With a Primus aluminium bottle (purchased separately), I can burn white gas, unleaded auto gas, kerosene, diesel and possibly even alcohol. I can also connect it to a Primus propane/butane canister.

But the Primus P/B canisters have a different connector from the Coleman propane canisters, used with Coleman stoves, lanterns, catalytic heaters, etc. I understand the economic reasons for this - presumably, Primus wants me to buy their propane canisters and not somebody else's.

But of course, I can see the day when I stop into some remote, small-town Canadian Tire store and all they have is the Coleman style of propane canisters.

It doesn't seem that it would be all that difficult to make a connector that would allow me to connect a Coleman canister to my Primus stove. In fact, a search on the net revealed that you can buy converters to allow you to hook up either a Coleman or a Primus stove to a refillable propane tank (the kind you use on propane barbequeues, for example).

Any advice on how (or whether?) I should do this?
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."