As some of you know from my postings, I carry quite a bit on my body. More than some and not as much as others. My question for this forum is, have any of you been harassed or questioned by the police, securty guards, bouncers etc for what you carry?

I carry a Swisstool, Spyderco Military, Fox 40, lighter, and photon 2 and I have never been asked once about any of it. Even when I lived in DC, no one raised an eyebrow about my swisstool on my hip. I did not carry my milie as I didnt have it yet. I went in and out of all the Smithsonians with my stuff and not one person raised an eyebrow. Now I do adjust my EDC based on where I am going, ie church, airport, formal engagement, etc, so maybe I have been lucky.

The reason I ask this question is that I read in here and other boards about how people or scared to death to carry a knife in their town for one reason or another, but has anyone really been stopped and had their knife taken away?

My opinion on the deal is that if I dont show it off, then no one will ask me about it. Maybe I have been lucky, maybe I am pushing my luck, but I am just wondering.

On occasion of every accident that befalls you, remember to turn to yourself and inquire what power you have for turning it to use. - Epictetus