So. . .

The family and I will be heading off on a vacation in the not-to-distant future to visit a cousin who lives on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua.

Having lived my teen years during the 80s, it still seems odd to me to say that I'm going to Nicaragua on vacation!

That said, I'm going down with my wife and our 3- and 5-year old sons. We will be staying with my cousin who is married to a local woman, and they run a business together. We have all been to the travel clinic for our shots.

While in my single life I did a fair amount of travel to remote places, this, I'm sure, will be different. Anyone have any experience in travel of this sort with young kids? Suggestions for items we should bring or things we should prepare for that may be out of the ordinary?

I'm already preparing to bring a fairly well stocked medical kit, as I understand that medical care may be delayed in an emergency (I'm an EMT), and we have purchased evacuation insurance should anyone need it.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!